[EPA 연합뉴스 자료사진. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
(Istanbul = Yonhap News) Correspondent Kim Seung-wook = Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said more than 23,000 people had been evacuated from the fighting area amid continued Russian invasion of Ukraine.
President Zelensky said in a video message released through SNS on the 9th (local time), “I will do everything I can to ensure the safety of the humanitarian pathway for the evacuation of civilians.”
“Yesterday we rescued 1,600 students and 3,500 civilians through the humanitarian corridor from Sumy to Poltava,” he said.
“Evacuation is underway in cities and villages near Kiiu,” he added.
“In addition to Sumi-Poltava, we are also working to evacuate civilians through passageways in the direction of Mariupol-Zaporozye, Volnova-Fokrowsk, Izium-Rozovaya, Enerhodar-Zaporozye.” said.
Ukraine and Russia agreed to evacuate civilians through the humanitarian channel on the same day as the previous day, and agreed to a temporary ceasefire from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. around the humanitarian channel.
However, the Ukrainian side has criticized Russia for violating the agreement in many areas.
“Private evacuations have only been carried out in some areas of Kiiv, Sumi and Enerhodar,” Vadim Denisenko, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry adviser, told Archyde.com.

Irfin (AP = Yonhap News) Residents trying to cross a river on the evacuation route in Irfin, outside the Ukrainian capital, Kiiu (Kyiv), take refuge under a bridge that partially collapsed following being blown up on the 8th (local time). 2022.3.9
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2022/03/10 01:25 Send