[경제]Truck drivers ‘sigh’ due to soaring diesel price… “I choose only the nearest places”

“It costs 100,000 won more than before to fill the oil tank”
More and more drivers are avoiding long-distance transport because of oil prices
As oil price subsidies decrease, the burden of feeling increases
Oil industry “It will be difficult to solve in a short period of time”

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As the domestic and international situation intersects, the price of diesel has become more expensive than that of gasoline for the first time in 14 years.

There are many prospects that the situation will prolong, but the burden on truck drivers who cannot make a living without using diesel is increasing.

Correspondent Choi Ki-seong reported.


This is the Seobu Truck Terminal in Seoul, where truck drivers wait for their calls.

Drivers are worried about the recent surge in economic prices.

To fill the oil tank, you have to pay 100,000 won more than you did a few months ago, but in one month it is well over 1 million won.

[전재호 / 화물차 기사 : 그전에는 가득 넣으면 25~26만 원 이렇게 들어갔었어요. 지금은 가득 넣으면 35만 원이니까 10만 원 차이 나죠.]

One driver, who used to transport cargo mainly from the Chungcheong area, only recently traveled to Gyeonggi-do.

The longer you go, the more oil you use and there is nothing left.

[윤성일 / 화물차 기사 : 경기도는 운임이 약하더라도 기름을 적게 먹으니까…. 경기도만 왔다 갔다 하려고 경쟁률이 엄청나게 심해요. 경쟁률이 심하다 보니까 운임은 더 내려가고 일할 매력을 못 느껴요.]

As the fuel tax is lowered, the subsidy linked to this has also decreased, so the burden felt by truck drivers is greater.

Truck drivers, who suffered inconvenience from the so-called ‘urea water crisis’ last year, were also affected by the sharp rise in diesel prices.

On the 11th, the average price of diesel sold by gas stations nationwide surpassed the price of gasoline, and the upward trend continues.

The price gap is also widening.

Behind the outbreak is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which provides more than half of Europe’s diesel imports.

The government’s 30% cut in fuel tax also contributed to the price increase, as the relatively expensive gasoline tax was cut more than diesel.

Industry insiders predicted that this phenomenon will not be resolved in a short period of time.

[조상범 / 대한석유협회 대외협력실장 : 국제 경유 가격은 지금 수요 증가가 계속 이뤄지고 있는 상황이고요. 드라이빙 시즌(휴가철)이 도래하면서 휘발유뿐만 아니라 경유, 항공유 등과 같은 수송용 유류에 대한 소비가 증가하고 있는 상황이기 때문에….]

There are also voices calling for the government to expand the range of fuel tax cuts as far as it can afford.

This is Choi Ki-sung from YTN.

YTN Choi Ki-seong ([email protected])

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