[사회]’Seok-Yeol Yoon’s 檢 line’ front layout

Lee Wan-gyu, head of the Ministry of Justice, a criminal law theorist from the prosecution
Colleagues and college and training institute classmates… Representation of litigation in case of disciplinary action by the president
Wen resigned after resigning as chief prosecutor of the government… Criticism of promotion at the time

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President Yoon Seok-yeol appointed lawyer Lee Wan-gyu, who defended him during his tenure as prosecutor general, as the head of the legal affairs department.

Following the Minister and Vice Minister of Justice, all aides from the prosecution were placed in the administrative legal line.

It is interpreted to contain the will to block the so-called ‘check-and-run’ promoted by the Democratic Party of Korea.

Correspondent Na Hye-in.


Attorney Lee Wan-gyu, appointed as the head of the Ministry of Justice, is a criminal law theorist from the prosecution who has published several commentaries on the Prosecutor’s Office Act and the Criminal Procedure Act.

President Yoon Seok-yeol is a college classmate and a classmate of the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and while serving as the Prosecutor General, he took the lead in legal response on behalf of President Yoon in the disciplinary phase of the Ministry of Justice.

Just before he took off his clothes after being eliminated from the promotion of prosecutor general in 2017, he raised an issue with the appointment of President Yoon, who was then selected as the chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

[이완규 / 당시 윤석열 검찰총장 법률대리인 (재작년 징계 집행정지 심문) : 허울을 쓴 정도에 불과한 그런 징계 절차인데, 이런 절차에 따른 징계 처분이 검찰의 정치적 중립성과 독립성을 근본적으로 훼손하고….]

It is interpreted that President Yoon’s appointment of Lee as the head of the Ministry of Legislation, which oversees the interpretation of government legislation and statutes, has nothing to do with the law to reduce the prosecution’s investigative powers, which is set to go into effect in September.

As it is difficult to take the legislative initiative in the women’s society, it is interpreted as meaning that the government will seek a way to put the brakes through revision of the enforcement ordinance or interpretation of the vote.

In fact, under the revised Prosecutor’s Office Act, the specific scope of direct investigation by the prosecution is still to be determined by the Presidential Decree, and the scope of supplementary investigation under the Criminal Procedure Act remains subject to interpretation.

Although the Minister of Justice is at the level of a vice minister, he has also revealed his presence in the sharp confrontation of major issues.

A representative example is Lee Seok-yeon, former Minister of Legislation, who opposed the Lee Myung-bak administration’s attempts to promote policies by changing the enforcement ordinance or ministerial notice in the face of the media law or the beef scandal, saying it could be unconstitutional.

Attorney No-Gong Lee, the first female Vice Minister of Justice, served as the deputy prosecutor along with Candidate Dong-Hoon Han when President Yoon served as the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

It is expected to align with the legal and administrative stance of a candidate who criticized the so-called ‘check-and-run’ as ‘night escape’.

[이노공 / 신임 법무부 차관 : 저는 앞으로 장관님을 보좌해 공정과 상식에 기반을 둔 법무행정의 참모습이 구현될 수 있도록 모든 노력을 다할 것입니다.]

The legislative ‘check-and-run’ legislation was completed by drastically reducing the prosecution’s investigative powers, but as the Democratic Party declared that it would be completely abolished, it is evaluated that President Yoon laid the groundwork by deploying all of his aides.

This is Na Hye-in from YTN.

YTN Na Hye-in ([email protected])

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