[정치]Is it oriental medicine? Is it verification?… Policy competition disappears due to intensification of non-discharge


Despite the stigma that this 20th presidential election is an all-time ‘unfavorable election’, the opposition between the ruling and opposition parties is getting fiercer.

There is a slight difference between verification and negative, but as various allegations are pouring out recklessly, the competition between policy and vision seems to have disappeared.

Reporter Choi Ah-young reports.


With the presidential election just around the corner, the opposition parties are competing to uncover the faults of their opponents.

The Democratic Party has been pouring out allegations of exemption from military service during immobility of candidate Yoon Seok-yeol of People’s Strength, and suspicions of stock price manipulation of his wife, Kun-hee Kim.

[윤호중 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 부인 김건희 씨는 도이치모터스 주가 조작에 가담해 최소 9억 원의 부당이득을 거뒀고, 최근 또 다른 주가 조작 사건에도 관여한 정황이 드러났습니다.]

The People’s Power repeatedly ignited allegations of ‘use of corporate cards’ by Kim Hye-kyung, wife of candidate Lee Jae-myung, and repeatedly uncovered suspicions about Lee Jae-myung’s operation.

[원희룡 / 국민의힘 선거대책본부 정책본부장 : 이재명 시장은 편법을 넘어서 불법적인 결재를 하게 됩니다. 그 결과 대장동 화천대유 일당에겐 용적률로 인해서 약 2,700가구의 특혜가 주어진 셈입니다.]

The opposition parties claim that it is a meticulous verification, but as the indiscriminate offensive between verification and negative continues, accusations and high development are also rampant.

It is still the most unfavorable presidential election in history, but what is the reason why the opposition and opposition parties cannot give up the temptation of ‘one shot’ through non-disclosure?

[김형준 / 명지대 정치외교학과 교수 : 여야 후보마다 자기의 가장 강력한 정책 비전이 없기 때문에 네거티브가 기승을 부리는 거에요. (대표 공약이 없다 보니) 경쟁이 네거티브 경쟁으로 바뀌어 버린 거죠.]

It is also pointed out that, as the election battles with absolutely no strong players, it is easy to fall into the idea that one can win with one shot.

Meanwhile, the policies and visions of the candidates have long since disappeared.

The candidates’ solutions to the post-COVID-19 state management, urgent external situation, economic crisis, and labor problems are missing.

[이재묵 / 한국외대 정치외교학과 교수 : 위기의식 속에서 뭔가 좀 믿고 맡길 만한 안정감 있는 모습을 많이 보여줘야 하잖아요. 자꾸 사소하고 너무 상대 흠집 내는 네거티브에 함몰되다 보면 본말이 전도되고….]

Ten days until the presidential election.

The five years of South Korea, in which candidates are expected to lead in the midst of harsh arguing and scratching competition, are rarely portrayed by voters.

This is YTN Choi Ah-young.

YTN Choi Ah-young ([email protected])

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