[정치]Lee Yong-ho “Creating Han Dong-hoon? Remarks that lower the self-esteem of the ruling party”

■ Moderator: Kim Dae-geun Anchor
■ Appearance: Lee Yong-ho, Member of the People’s Power

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Some say this too. Isn’t Han Dong-hoon, the Minister of Justice, being hired?

Have you ever heard of it?


I saw it in the media, but who is it called borrowing?

For me, Minister Han Dong-hoon has been doing fandom politics in Korea in his own way, so over the past five years, so-called conservative fandoms, conservative figures, and progressive fandoms have been very heartbroken.

In that respect, Minister Han Dong-hoon is playing a role in relaxing the mind.

And another thing is that the rule of law has been considerably damaged in the last Moon Jae-in administration.

There is a minister who raises this part again, and I think he has his own star temperament.

So there are many such possibilities, but how many months has it been since he came out of the prosecution?

And since there is a lot of work to be done in the cabinet, what kind of party representative do you play in that party now?

I don’t think it’s appropriate to bring this out itself.

That’s also how many people in the ruling party would say such a thing,

I think that is a statement that very degrades the self-esteem of the ruling party, and right now ahead of the party convention, you are moving with a willingness to challenge the party power, but I do not think it is polite to them.

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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