[정치]Most voters 4050… The pressure of ‘generational siege theory’


During the Lunar New Year holiday ahead of the presidential election, YTN’s continuous report analyzing the public sentiment by generation!

Today, we take a look at the 4050 middle-aged.

The 4050 generation, who plays a pivotal role in the Korean economy, accounts for the largest proportion of all voters.

In this election, the so-called generational siege theory is under pressure.

This is the report by Um Yun-ju, a reporter.


The 19th Presidential Election held in 2017 amidst impeachment!

The 4050 generation, who took the lead and lit candles in anger over the state-run nongdan incident, played a leading role in the birth of the Moon Jae-in regime.

[문재인 / 19대 대통령 당선인 : 제3기 민주 정부를 힘차게 열어 나겠습니다. 그리고 국민이 염원하는 개혁과 통합 두 가지 과제를 모두 이루겠습니다.]

The political support of the 4050 generation does not seem to have changed much until last year.

He continued to show support for the Democratic Party in the Seoul mayor’s re-election.

Those in their 40s were the only age group to support the Democratic Party candidate more, and those in their 50s, who supported the People’s Strength candidate more, also had fewer churn compared to other age groups.

It is also the background of the ‘generational siege theory’ of the people’s power, which puts pressure on the middle-aged by raising the support of the young and the elderly.

However, the 4050 generation is also quite sad.

[정홍민 / 서울 돈암동 : 저희는 (한국 성장 시대의) 혜택을 못 보기 시작한 세대라는 생각들을 다들 조금씩 가지고 있어요. 그런 상황에서 세대 포위론이 나온다는 이 현실 자체가 좀 약간 안타깝죠, 썩 달갑지는 않습니다.]

This is because, given that we are a ‘caught generation’ who has to support their children and parents at the same time by forming a family, there are not many promises that are realistically touched despite the increasing difficulties such as COVID-19, soaring house prices, and the economic blow caused by tax increases.

[김진희 / 서울 길음동 : 청년들이나 30대 위주 정책이 많이 나오는 건 사실인 것 같고요. 40∼50대들도 주택 없는 분들도 많은데, 자영업자들이랑 젊은 친구들한테 너무 쏠려 있는 것 같긴 해요.]

There are 16.8 million people in the 4050 households.

They make up the largest share of all voters.

The 4050 middle-aged group has become a ‘caught generation’ between the young people who emphasize fairness and their rights and the old people who emphasize the existing order.

Attention is also focused on where the public sentiment of those who stand at the center of our society will go in this election.

This is YTN Yunju Um.

YTN Yunju Eom ([email protected])

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