[정치]The reason why Ahn Cheol-soo can’t use his cell phone now


Candidate, then, did you get a call from candidate Yoon Seok-yeol yesterday and today? I wonder if you are willing to respond if you are contacted or asked to meet.

[안철수 / 국민의당 대선후보]

It’s impossible for me to use my cell phone right now. Even now, if you look, you are still in contact. Several phone bombs and text bombs keep coming. The hour is ringing right now and the phone is very hot. Let me show you. Calls are still coming in, but there are almost 20,000 texts.

How am I supposed to explain this behavior that disables my phone in this way? Can you still consider yourself a partner in the same negotiations?


Let’s get this far and move on. Thank you for your effort.

[안철수 / 국민의당 대선후보]

Just touch it, how hot it is.


It keeps ringing.

YTN Song Jae-in ([email protected])

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