1 avocado per week for heart health

Replace butter and cheese with avocado?

By comparing with a detailed analysis of everyone’s diet collected by questionnaire every 4 years, the scientists calculated that participants who consumed at least 1 whole avocado per week had a 16% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, compared to those who did not. ‘by consuming only rarely. The protective effect was even greater for coronary disease with a 21% reduction in risk.

Avocados contain dietary fiber, monounsaturated fats (the good fats) and other components associated with good cardiovascular health. In addition, replacing a portion of egg, yogurt or cheese with the same amount of avocado would be associated with a decrease in cardiovascular risk of 16 to 22%. A good idea that is easy to implement to improve your diet: consider replacing a food made from animal fat with avocado.

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