10 Instagram tricks and tips you might not know

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with over two billion active users. Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has gone through many changes and updates, and has become a diverse platform for sharing photos, videos, stories, and reels.

Instagram is known to be a social network full of tricks, with several tools and resources that users can use to improve the quality and visibility of their posts. From using the app as a photo filter to scheduling posts, Instagram offers a range of features that can be used to increase engagement and interaction with other users.

With that in mind, we’ll show you 10 tricks and tips that you might not know, but that can be very useful to improve your experience on Instagram.

10 Instagram tricks and tips you might not know

Source: M3 Media

Below, check out the special list of Instagram tips and tricks:

1. Receive notifications whenever your friend posts something

To receive notifications whenever a friend posts to Instagram, you need to turn on notifications for that friend’s activities. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open your friend’s Instagram profile;
  2. Then tap the button follow to follow the friend’s profile;
  3. Tap the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the screen to access the settings options;
  4. select Turn on post notifications to receive notifications whenever your friend posts something new on Instagram.

Remember that you will only receive notifications when the friend makes a new Instagram post. If the friend doesn’t post often, you might not get notifications often.

2. See all posts you’ve liked

To see all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram application and access your profile from the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
  2. Then tap on the three lines icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select settings;
  3. Once that’s done, scroll down until you find the option Account > Posts you liked;
  4. Here, you’ll see all the posts you’ve liked, sorted chronologically from the most recent.

Remember that only you have access to this list of posts that you like on Instagram. Other people cannot see your post liking activities.

3. Add and manage multiple accounts using a single device

You can add and manage multiple Instagram accounts using a single device by following these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram application and access your profile from the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
  2. Tap the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. Scroll down until you find the option settings > add account;
  4. Enter the login information for the Instagram account you want to add and tap To enter;
  5. After adding the new account, you can switch between accounts by tapping the username in the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the screen.

To manage your Instagram accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram application and access your profile from the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
  2. Tap the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. Scroll down to the section settings > Account configurations;
  4. Here you can manage your account settings such as privacy, security and notifications;
  5. To manage your other accounts, tap your username in the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the screen and select the account you want to manage.

4. Schedule publications in advance

Currently, Instagram allows you to schedule posts to be posted in the future using third-party tools that are official partners of Instagram. These tools allow you to create content and schedule Instagram posts in advance, which can be useful if you want to maintain a constant presence on the platform but cannot be online all the time.

Here’s an example of how to schedule a post using a third-party tool:

  1. Choose an Instagram partner third-party tool that offers the option to schedule posts. Some of the more popular tools include Hootsuite, Later, Sprout Social, and Buffer;
  2. Create an account in the tool of your choice and link your Instagram account;
  3. In the tool, create a new post for Instagram and add your content (photo or video) and caption;
  4. Select the date and time you want the publication to be posted;
  5. Confirm the posting schedule and schedule it;
  6. The tool will send you a notification when it’s time to post the post. You will need to manually confirm the post on Instagram at the scheduled time.

5. Create Highlights to display Stories for more than one day

Instagram highlights are a useful way to organize and display your favorite stories at the top of your Instagram profile. They appear below your bio and allow you to showcase your best moments and most important content. Here’s how to create highlights on Instagram:

  • Open the Instagram application and access your profile from the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
  • tap the button + below your current highlights;
  • Select the stories you want to add to the highlight;
  • Choose a name for your highlight and tap To add;
  • Customize your highlight cover by tapping edit highlight and selecting the image you want to use as a cover;
  • When finished, tap Conclude to save the highlight.

    6. See posts your friends have liked or commented on recently

    Follow these steps to access this function:

    • Open the Instagram application and access your profile from the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
    • Tap the three-line icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu;
    • Scroll down to settings and tap Privacy;
    • select status activity > Activity status visibility;
    • tap on All to allow all your followers to see your recent activity, or select followers you follow or Disabled to limit the visibility of your activity;
    • To see other people’s recent activity, go back to the main menu and tap Following. This will show you a list of people you follow;
    • Tap a user’s name to see their recent activity, including posts they’ve liked and commented on.

    7. Hide, delete or disable comments on your posts

    Below, see how to hide comments:

    • Open the Instagram app and access your profile by tapping the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
    • Tap the three-line icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu;
    • tap on settings > Privacy > Comments > hide offensive comments and activate the key for Connected;
    • You can add custom words or phrases that you want to hide by selecting custom words and adding the words you want to block.

    To delete comments:

    • Open the Instagram app and go to the post you want to hide comments;
    • Tap the speech bubble icon below the post to open the comments section;
    • Find the comment you want to hide and swipe from right to left over the comment;
    • Tap the three dot icon in the right corner of the comment;
    • select hide comment to hide the comment.

    Finally, to disable all comments:

    • Open the Instagram app and access your profile by tapping the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
    • Tap the three-line icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu;
    • select settings > Privacy > Comments;
    • Then disable the option Allow comments.

    8. Clear Instagram search history

    Instagram stores your past searches for easy access to accounts and hashtags you’ve already searched for. If you want to clear Instagram search history, follow the steps below:

    • Open the Instagram app and access your profile by tapping the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
    • Tap the three-line icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu;
    • Scroll down to settings > Security > data and history > clear search history;
    • A pop-up window will ask if you want to clear your search history. tap on clear search history to confirm.

    9. Use Instagram as a photo editor (without having to post anything)

    If you like Instagram’s filters and editing features, but don’t want to post all of your photos to your social network, there’s a way: Just post a photo with your device in airplane mode. Thus, an error message will appear, and the image will not be posted. However, it will appear in your smartphone’s photo gallery.

    10. Adjust settings to approve tagged photos before they appear on your profile

    When someone tags you in a photo on Instagram, you’ll get a notification that you’ve been tagged. To approve the tag and allow the photo to appear on your profile, follow these steps:

    • Open the Instagram app and access your profile by tapping the profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen;
    • Tap the three-line icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu;
    • select settings > Privacy > Tags > Add manually;
    • Activate the option tag approval to manually approve tags on your photos;
    • When someone tags you in a photo, you’ll get a notification. To approve the tag, tap the notification and tap Add to your profile or approve;
    • Finally, the photo will be displayed in your section pictures with you in your profile.

    If you don’t want a tag to appear on your profile, you can remove the tag by following the same steps above and selecting “Remove Me From Post”.

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