2024 Review / 2025 Outlook: the Solstyce Group, a company with an impact on the … – Plein Soleil

With a 34% increase in its turnover, and the passage of the symbolic bar of 250 employees, the Solstyce Group has reached a decisive growth level in 2024. Now in the closed circle of 5000 French Intermediate-Sized Enterprises (ETI), the group, serving the energy transition, has ambitious 2025 objectives, with a 40% increase in its turnover and the recruitment of around a hundred employees.

The Solstyce Group is showing remarkable momentum, with a 34% increase in its turnover, reaching €71 million for the year 2024 and the symbolic passage of the 250 employee mark.

A turnover of €71 million for its 2024 financial year, up 34%

Now a member of the 5,000 ETIs in France, the Solstyce Group has been able to meet the latest challenges relating to the economic situation, in particular the situation of bank borrowing rates, which remain high, and the climate of political instability, which may have had an impact on the commitment of certain investments that are nevertheless essential. For example, the implementing order for the obligation to cover parking lots, in order to combat heat islands, although present in the Climate and Resilience law passed in 2021, was only issued on March 5. Today, legislative operations for the application of the laws have resumed, and the situation is evolving favorably. Thus, 2025 looks even more promising for the Solstyce Group.

2025: amplify the positive impact on the economy and the environment

For its 2025 forecasts, the Solstyce Group anticipates 40% growth, or €110 million in turnover, as well as around a hundred recruitments (after more than 80 already made in 2024). The objective: to gain impact on the French energy transition, thanks to the contribution of more than 350 employees. “Today we are reaching a new level of growth which allows us to justify and consolidate our business model”explains Guillaume David, President of the Solstyce Group. Beyond the figures, the Solstyce Group wants to amplify its positive impact on the economy by using several levers:

– Accelerate the development of SMART Energy System, the energy flow and storage management solution “made by Solstyce” to enable companies to achieve energy autonomy and meet the ever-increasing environmental challenges they face. An example: the cost of kWh being at times close to €0 during the day, SMART Energy System allows energy storage during the day, optimization of night-time supplies, and smoothing of the costs of a site’s overall consumption

– Help companies reduce heat islands on their artificial surfaces by 2026, the date of implementation of the APER1 law. The

Solstyce Group offers in particular photovoltaic canopies

START, designed to quickly transform parking lots into green energy generators

– Support the decarbonization of logisticians, transport currently representing 31% of GHG emissions in France

– Contribute to the transition of heavy vehicle fleets to electrification with the Mobilize Power Solutions subsidiary dedicated to charging infrastructures, which has strong expertise in high-power charging and last-mile delivery issues.

– Develop financing solutions through Novengo, the Solstyce Group’s investment fund to facilitate the implementation of green, sustainable energy production and decarbonized mobility projects for professionals and territories. €15 million has already been invested in 2024. The objective is now to reach €25 million in 2025 in order to have a more massive impact on the energy transition in France, and support the annual production of green electricity in France up to 25 GWh, which corresponds to the electrical energy needs of more than 5,000 French households (annual average).


Quid from the Solstyce Group?

Since 2009, the Solstyce Group has been supporting the energy transition of companies and territories in France. It designs concrete tools and solutions to improve the performance of its customers and ensure they have total control over their energy, whatever their sector of activity: logistics, transport, industry, construction, real estate, etc.

The Solstyce Group today brings together 5 professions across 5 subsidiaries:

– Solstyce: solar energy

– Pink Strategy : performance environnementale

– Novengo: investments

– Mobilize Power Solutions France: electric mobility (joint venture Renault Group x Groupe Solstyce)

– Enerpur waterproofing: roofing work



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