4 scientific reasons why you don’t feel like doing anything – wmn

Every now and then it just sucks. Especially in times when various crises prevail, psychologists observe a larger number of young people who lack motivation. But what to do if the listlessness determines your life?

To what extent is listlessness normal?

Mood lows and outright listlessness are firstly normal and secondly nothing negative at all. sea We can therefore look to the psychologist Katja Mierke from the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne quietly admit a little listlessness and a break. However, it can’t hurt to identify the cause of the listlessness.

3 reasons why you feel listless

Although fatigue and the resultant listlessness is a normal biological state that encourages more rest and relaxation, exhaustion and a feeling of persistent lack of drive can indicate a more serious illness. Listlessness can be caused by a variety of emotional, psychological, and medical conditions, and the Diagnose Finding the right cause for the listlessness is critical to treating patients.

Sometimes everything is too much for us – this can also lead to listlessness. Photo: Pexels / Alycia Fung

1. Lifestyle

In general, people suffering from listlessness are sometimes unable to participate in life as they wish. This can be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, among other things. Of course, by unhealthy we don’t just mean the diet, but the general lifestyle.

So you should make sure that you get enough exercise, especially in a job where you sit a lot. In addition, you should always make sure that you have a balance that distracts you from everyday stress. Because we often only see our entire tasks and activities and have so little to look forward to. We lose interest in certain things.

2. Psychology

Feelings of exhaustion can also indicate psychological or emotional obstacles. Depression, for example, often goes with it Feelings of exhaustion and listlessness. In addition, anxiety disorders cause the body to be on constant alert, leading to feelings of exhaustion. health professionals to report therefore of many different mental states that can cause a listlessness or lack of drive.

3. Health

If you suspect that your persistent listlessness isn’t due to psychological or lifestyle causes, it’s possible that the feelings are being caused by a medical condition. Since listlessness can be caused by a variety of diseases, it is important Speak to a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis.

Medications that you may be taking can also lead to listlessness, so be sure to seek medical advice if the feeling persists.

4. Lack of sleep

Furthermore, a regular lack of sleep lead to listlessness. Because: Especially in summer it is light longer, which can have a lasting effect on our melatonin levels. Thus, melatonin is known as the sleep hormone and Serotonin as a mood enhancer. It is also possible that you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency – that makes you dull, tired and listless.

Woman with a colorful eye
Sometimes it helps us to include different facets in life to combat listlessness. Photo: Pexels / Wings Of Freedom

apathy in the relationship

In relationships, too, it is completely normal for you to suffer from listlessness from time to time. sea the psychologist Ceryl Janssen is the lack of desire, especially for sex, a common topic of contention in relationships. In this case, according to him, good communication and affection through other small gestures such as declarations of love and hugs help.

Because if the other party doesn’t want sex, there can be many reasons, for example stress at work. However, according to him, simply persevering would not be a good option, because only through discussions and mutual understanding can the desire come back again.

Pro Family advises also affected couples, because dealing with listlessness in relationships many other obstacles can open up and people who are listless for a long time often blame themselves for it.

You can do this against listlessness

While the medical, psychological, and emotional disorders that lead to listlessness cannot be prevented, lifestyle choices can help reduce the frequency or frequency reduce the level of listlessness. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep help reduce fatigue. Since exercise promotes blood circulation, strengthens muscles and bones and boosts the immune system, regular exercise is an important factor.

Apart from that, you can also try to set goals as a little motivation. Nevertheless, try not to impose too much on yourself and make sure to divide your tasks and to make compromises. It’s important to stay on the ball and regularly do things that you know you enjoy.

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