6 oral health problems that often occurs with the elderly

  • problemhealthElderly oral diseases such as gum disease or periodontitis tooth loss tooth decay in the elderly, dry mouth, oral ulcers, andcancerIn the oral cavity, it can range from oral diseases associated with age-related changes. or oral diseases resulting from other systemic diseases or oral medication for the treatment of that disease
  • careoral healthThe elderly are important because of the oral health problems of the elderly. may affect lifestyle and reduce confidence Just one problem can escalate into a bigger problem. Therefore, it is imperative that the elderly and their children or caregivers should keep an eye on them. and visit a dentist for oral examinations and regular dental care

The age with the greatest concern for health is the elderly because it is the age where physical performance decreases. They may not be able to take care of their health as well as before or may have more congenital diseases. Therefore, it can be said that it is an age that has to pay more attention to health. Especially with oral health problems that many people may overlook.

oral health problems in the elderly

Dr. Aroonwan Lum-Ubon, a dentist specializing in oral diagnostics at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital, states that the oral health problem of the elderly is a condition in which the elderly have oral diseases, whether The mouth area, inside the mouth, teeth or tongue, etc., can range from oral diseases related to age-related changes. or oral diseases resulting from other systemic diseases or oral medication for the treatment of that disease

Causes of oral health problems in the elderly

There are different causes for oral health problems in the elderly, such as improper and inappropriate wearing of dentures. Bones are less dense and strong. Consuming staining beverages such as tea/coffee, or having high blood sugar levels can also affect oral health in older adults.

oral health problems that often occurs with the elderly

The oral health problems that often occur in the elderly are:

  1. Gum disease and periodontitis are caused by the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. cause gingivitis and can develop into periodontitis This destroys the gum tissue and bone that supports teeth. The symptoms found depend on the severity of the disease. since the gums are red Bleeding while brushing teeth and in severe cases will find recessed gills There is destruction of the bone supporting the tooth root. as well as rocking teeth can be found as well If there is a lot of destruction can lead to tooth loss
  2. tooth decay in the elderly Cavities are often found in the neck and root of the tooth. Due to the loss of gums and root support, especially in the elderly with dry mouth, it increases the risk of tooth decay. which if the decay is very widespread can lead to oral infections and loss of teeth
  3. Tooth loss in the elderly and denture care in the elderly It can be caused by many reasons. Dentures are needed to replace missing teeth. Some of you may think that wearing dentures that do not fit properly is a small matter. But wearing dentures that do not fit May cause more oral diseases than thought

    in the elderly wearing removable dentures that do not fit It can cause pain and discomfort in the mouth. dentures that do not fit will cause friction with the gums Causing pain during use and may find wounds in the area of ​​dentures which if not treated The problem is more severe and can affect diet in older people.

    For removable dentures that have been used for many years. May find that the denture that used to fit is loose This is caused by natural changes in the gums and jaws. This is another factor that causes the dentures to not fit properly.

    Therefore, wearing dentures must always be noticed in order to be corrected and does not cause oral problems In addition, dentures that are old and in bad condition. It can also result in oral yeast infection.

  4. Dry mouth as you get older May affect your ability to produce saliva. In addition, some systemic diseases such asdiabetes Or certain medications, such as sleeping pills and diuretics, can cause a side effect of drug-induced dry mouth.
  5. Oral ulcers. Elderly people have oral ulcers. can be caused by many reasons It can be caused by impact from dentures or hard food or sharp edges of teeth. or inflammatory oral ulcers caused by other conditions such as ulcers, infected wounds or autoimmune diseases, etc., which have oral ulcers should be diagnosed and treated promptly This is because chronic oral ulcers can be a symptom of oral cancer.
  6. oral cancer It can be found especially in people with risk factors such as smoking or drinking alcohol. or even in those who do not have clear risk factors It will look like white patches, red marks, swollen lumps or chronic lesions in the mouth. must be diagnosed by biopsy

Problems in the oral cavity of the elderly It may have many effects on the elderly themselves, both physically and mentally. Direct effects, for example, affecting occlusion and eating. May cause the elderly to not get enough nutrients in all 5 groups, affecting overall health, making the body weak and easy to get sick Inflammation from oral diseases is one of the causes that can have a negative effect and harm the health of the body. including if there is a lot of tooth loss This may result in a decrease in the face height due to the lack of teeth to support it. wrinkled face slurred speech and may cause social anxiety

oral health care for the elderly to prevent oral problems

  1. Brush and clean between your teeth using dental floss or interdental brushes every day. which is very important for good oral health Because plaque builds up on teeth, it can happen to the elderly very quickly. especially if oral hygiene is neglected.
  2. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. This will reduce the risk of developing dental caries. especially in those who have dry mouth problems, less saliva
  3. see the dentist on time to clean and examine the mouth and should inform the dentist about any changes in physical health oral medication and oral problems that occur
  4. refrain from smoking
  5. abstain from drinking alcohol
  6. Limit your intake of foods and beverages that are high in sugar.
  7. Take care of your dentures properly. Dentures should not be worn at bedtime and dentures should be cleaned regularly by brushing with a soft toothbrush and soapy water to clean dentures.
  8. Always observe the symptoms in your own mouth. If abnormalities occur, seek immediate medical attention.

In conclusion, oral health problems of the elderly may affect lifestyle and can reduce the confidence of the elderly Therefore, it is something that should not be overlooked. Because just one oral problem in the elderly may escalate into a bigger problem, it is imperative that the elderly and their children or caregivers should keep an eye out for oral symptoms. and visit a dentist for oral examinations and regular dental care

If there is an abnormality in the oral cavity, such as dentures that do not fit, ulcers, swelling in the mouth Difficulty chewing or swallowing You should visit your dentist for advice and timely treatment. should not be left to spread and become a big problem

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