“6-Year-Old Boy Shot While Playing Video Games: Tragic Incident Rocks Virginia Community”

2023-05-05 03:02:00

▲The boy was shot for no reason while playing video games. (Picture / Recap fromGoFundMewith Lynchburg Police)

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Reporter Li Zhenhui / Comprehensive report

Kingston Cambell, a 6-year-old boy in Virginia, was shot in the head when he was playing video games on the bed. His sisters were by his side at the time of the incident, and the police rushed to the scene It was discovered that Campbell was dead and was hunting for the whereabouts of the shooter.

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The incident occurred in Lynchburg, Virginia on the evening of the 1st. Surveillance cameras captured that a group of teenagers suddenly appeared in front of Campbell’s house when the incident occurred. After a burst of gunshots, they quickly left the scene. Campbell’s mother said in a statement that her son died in a senseless shooting with his sisters by his side when the incident happened, and the trauma will take time to heal.

Stepfather Hugh Oulds also said sadly that he can’t imagine living without Campbell in the future, “Every night when I go to sleep, I think about what I will do tomorrow, but I can’t hear him calling me again. up.”

The boy’s death is the third shooting homicide in the local area this year, and the unfortunate incident has shocked and saddened the community. Shawn Hunter, chairman of the local anti-violence organization Lynchburg Peacemakers, called for the violence to stop. “Everyone needs to stand up and we must take action to prevent this senseless violence from happening again.”

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