63 lakh people face food insecurity; Food Crisis in Sri Lanka | World | Deshabhimani

Colombo> The United Nations says that nearly 63 lakh people are facing food insecurity in Sri Lanka, which is facing a serious economic crisis. A joint report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Food Program stated that the situation will worsen if food security and livelihoods are not implemented.

Bad harvests in two consecutive seasons have resulted in a 50 percent drop in production. The report was prepared by visiting 25 districts in the months of June and July to study the level of agricultural production. Due to the financial crisis, more than 60 percent of households have reduced their food intake and become accustomed to foods that are less expensive and less nutritious.

The study also assessed that the government also withdrew from nutrition programs for school children and mothers due to financial constraints. The Food and Agriculture Organization said that schemes should be developed for the upliftment of small farmers so that food security does not reach further decline and to restore agricultural production.

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