7 High-Quality Protein Foods to Eat Every Day

‘Eat This Not That’ introduces 7 high-quality foods that help you get the protein you need for a healthy life.

Proteins are very important for repairing cells and tissues. It also stabilizes blood sugar and quenches hunger. It gives a feeling of satiety and is good for diet, builds muscle, and helps to form hair.

Not all proteins are equally effective. Fats in meat such as bacon contain protein, but they also contain a lot of protein-repellent substances, including saturated fat and sodium, which clog arteries.

American health media ‘Eat This Not That’ has taken the advice of dietary nutritionists from the Medical Review Committee and introduced 7 high-quality, low-burden sources of protein that we should face at the table every day. However, it may be difficult to evenly consume the 9 essential amino acids of animal protein from plant protein, so it is recommended to eat a variety of the introduced ones.

Eggs are considered one of the best sources of healthy protein.  / unsplash
Eggs are considered one of the best sources of healthy protein. / unsplash

1. Egg = Eggs are the best source of protein because they contain the most biological amino acids. If the protein utility of eggs is 100, beef is only 80. Besides the protein effect, the effects of eggs are limitless. It plays a very important role in eye health as it raises good cholesterol levels, prevents heart disease, and presents healthy skin and shiny hair.

2. Skinless Chicken Breast = Breasts of poultry, such as chicken and turkey, are inherently low in saturated fat and sodium, making them ideal for tissue building and recovery and maintaining lean muscle mass. Chicken breast is a good source of B vitamins essential for DNA synthesis, energy production and brain health, and contains selenium, an antioxidant important for immunity and thyroid health. Selenium is famous for its anticancer properties.

3. Salmon and Sardines Fatty fish like salmon and sardines are one of the best sources of protein because they are packed with protein, low in sodium and saturated fat, have anti-inflammatory properties, and are a great source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids in many ways. have. Salmon, in particular, can help with weight loss as it helps lower fasting insulin levels.

4. High quality plant protein = There are some plants that contain a lot of protein. However, only a few contain all nine essential amino acids, and others do not. If you’re a vegetarian, it’s important to get all the essential amino acids from a varied diet. Good protein-rich plants are famous, such as daikon, bok choy, oats, tomatoes, and quinoa.

5. Tofu = Tofu made from ground soybeans is a complete protein food containing all 9 essential amino acids. Half a cup of hard varieties can contain up to 10 grams of protein. Tofu is also a great source of iron and calcium, and is rich in isoflavones, which are known to help prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Lecithin in tofu is effective in discharging body fat accumulated in the body.

6. Pistachios = The most complete protein source among nuts, pistachios are famous for their high protein content. It is also rich in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. With these three nutrients, pistachios can act as a powerful food suppressant to prevent overeating. Just by including pistachios in snack nuts, a healthy diet is possible.

7. Lentils = Lentils lack the essential amino acids cysteine ​​and methionine, but are rich in the rest. When talking about plant protein, it is considered a very important food. One cup of lentils provides about 18 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber. This amount of fiber is equivalent to one-third of your daily fiber needs.

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