“7 Natural Ways to Lower High Cholesterol Levels: Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Health”

2023-05-20 18:00:00

Written by Mervat Rashad

Saturday, May 20, 2023 09:00 PM

High cholesterol is associated with many health risks, such as: brain attack Coronary heart disease, diabetes, and blood pressure. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver that is needed by the body to form healthy cells. However, excessive consumption of it may lead to narrowing of the arteries, which limits blood flow and increases the risk of heart disease. You can develop high blood cholesterol as a result of several factors, Including an unhealthy diet, smoking, and lack of physical activity, here’s how to naturally lower your cholesterol by making certain changes in your lifestyle, according to what was published by “ndtv”.

Tips that can help treat high cholesterol levels effectively

1. Cut back on carbs

Nutritionists insist that you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake to avoid an increase in bad cholesterol.

2. Detoxification of the liver

You should also flush out toxins from the liver to control the cholesterol level.

3. Digestion

Poor digestion or digestive problems can also lead to high cholesterol. The nutritionist also suggests keeping thyroid levels in check to prevent excess cholesterol.

4. Don’t chew all day

Nutrition experts advise not to eat throughout the day and between meals, that one should keep a gap of at least four to five hours between meals and drink only water during that period.

5. Lose weight

You should also consider losing a few pounds to treat high cholesterol and prevent associated complications.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking may be one of the reasons for your high cholesterol. So, drop that cigarette before it takes a toll on your health.

7. Get active

Being active and engaging in physical activities can also help reduce cholesterol levels. You can choose any form of exercise that you like including weight lifting, calisthenics or running.

#tips #cholesterol #naturally

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