7 tips to start taking care of yourself and your mental health

The World Health Organization defines health as physical, mental and social well-being and not only as the absence of disease. Specifically, mental health is related to our way of livingto feed ourselves and take care of ourselves, with our home, our work, with the way in which we experience our relationships and affections.

[@patri_psicologa: “No necesitas el último móvil, sólo que tus valores estén en equilibrio”]

But in this case, also with what we feel towards ourselves, with our projects and activities, our way of enjoying and perceiving the world, of facing the problems and conflicts that life brings.

As for women’s mental health, around it there are many misconceptions such as that men hormonal cycles They can make you more likely to suffer from depression.

The reality, and as evidenced by various studies, is that a higher prevalence of depression is observed in women, anxiety and behavioral disorders, especially eating, often conditioned by psychosocial factors of gender. Also in recent years the number of women suffering from stress has increased.

Factors that condition mental health in women

One of the main obstacles when it comes to fighting for women’s mental health is that the most common response is often seek drug treatmentswithout taking into account the social context in which they live or the vital circumstances of each woman.

This is one of the main reasons why it is worth remembering that mental health depends on the education we have received, on internalization, on social values ​​and norms, on how we have lived and integrated our experiences, on the attitudes we have towards ourselves and towards the rest, as well as the roles we play, the obstacles and pressures that often exist around women.

Tips to start taking care of yourself and your mental health

Whatever the circumstances, It is always a good time to learn to take care of yourself. and to worry about one’s own health and well-being. There are many different things that can be done to improve mental health and specifically, we are going to detail those recommended by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH).

Seven personal care tips that can help you improve your quality of life and both your physical and mental health. Don’t forget that when it comes to mental health, self-care can go a long way in managing stressreduce the risk of disease and increase our energy.

Every act of self-care in your day to day can have a great impact on your mental health. Here are some of the tips that will help you achieve it:

  • Exercise regularly: Signing up for the gym, starting a sport, going for a run or simply reserving 30 minutes a day to walk can help you a lot to improve your mood and your health.

    Eat healthy and hydrate: Something as simple as ensuring a balanced diet and staying sufficiently hydrated can greatly improve the amount of energy we have throughout the day, in addition to greatly benefiting our health. As for the intake of caffeinated drinks, soft drinks or coffee, it is best that you limit them.

  • A good rest is key: sleeping the necessary hours, in addition to making us feel rested and helping us recover energy, is vital for the development of learning, memory and also to get away from anxiety and depression.

    In fact, there are several studies that show that lack of sleep causes discomfort and irritability, increasing the chances of suffering from anxiety disorder and depression. To do this, avoid the light of the telephone or television before going to bed.

  • Include some relaxing activity: today there are countless programs, applications and activities dedicated to relaxation and well-being that can help you relax on a daily basis. Incorporating meditation, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises can also help you achieve this.

    Establish goals and priorities: Do not stop being aware of what you want to achieve, what you can expect from it and what you achieve and achieve every day. Any small step can be motivating to take the next one. Also learn to say “no” when there is a new task that you feel is beyond your limits.

  • Focus on the positive and be grateful to yourself: Another equally important task is to be able to identify those negative and useless thoughts that prevent you from moving forward and directly challenge them to focus on the positive.

    Practice being grateful to yourself, for this you can write at the end of the day what you are grateful for in your day to day and reproduce it later in your mind.

  • Lean on your circle of friends and family: the emotional support that your friends and family can give you is also essential and if you consider it necessary, you can also rely on the help of a specialist psychologist who can give you the best tools and advice to work even more deeply on your mental health and well-being.

    Especially if you experience difficulty sleeping, appetite changes, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in things, or inability to carry out your daily responsibilities, do not hesitate to seek professional help and do not wait for the symptoms to get worse.

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