A 23-year-old man “drinks Coke as water” every day, his teeth are corroded and almost rotten… he becomes a person without “teeth” | International | CTWANT

The man drank Coke as water all day long, and his teeth were almost eroded. (Picture/Flip Weibo)

Boiled water is the healthiest drink! There is a 23-year-old man in Wuhan, Hubei Province in mainland China. He has been drinking Coke as boiling water for a long time. He has to drink at least 2 or 3 bottles a day to be satisfied. As a result, he drank a lot of Coke, and his body function did not have any major problems. His teeth were the first to raise the alarm. This man Because I drank too much Coke, in addition to drinking severe tooth decay, my teeth were also corroded by drinking a lot of Coke for a long time, and my teeth were almost completely destroyed. I had to rely on a large number of real teeth to be extracted, and then follow-up dental implants.

According to comprehensive reports from mainland media, the man in mainland China went to Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital for treatment because of a large number of tooth decay and tooth loss. The doctor asked the man about his usual diet and living habits, only to find out that the man suffered from severe tooth decay and tooth loss at a young age. It turned out that he did not drink plain water for a long time. Whenever he was thirsty, he would drink carbonated beverages such as Coke to quench his thirst. Bring great lethality.

The doctor in charge of treating the case said that except for the man’s front teeth, which were in relatively stable condition due to crown restoration, the rest of the rear teeth had basically been “corroded” by carbonated drinks such as cola for a long time. They were all rotten.

The doctor said that there is carbonic acid in cola, which can easily react with the calcium in the teeth, and then have a erosive effect on the teeth. Therefore, it is recommended that you try not to drink sugary drinks. If you really want to drink, it is recommended to drink sugar-free drinks. When drinking, you must properly control your intake. “Be sure to brush your teeth before going to bed at night. After brushing your teeth, don’t eat, drink drink.”

In response to this case of rotten teeth after drinking Coke, the doctor said that at present, only the teeth that can be repaired should be kept as much as possible. Tooth repaired.

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