A distinctive astronomical phenomenon.. Mars will disappear behind the moon tomorrow

(MENAFN– Khaberni)

Tell me – Earth’s population will witness, in the early hours of tomorrow morning, Thursday, a distinctive astronomical phenomenon, which is the complete disappearance of the planet Mars behind the moon, an event known as “occultation”.

Today, Wednesday, the moon will approach Mars in the night sky, and at 4.58 am GMT, Thursday, Mars will disappear behind the western hemisphere of the moon, and after about an hour the “red planet” will appear from behind the eastern end of the moon, according to The Guardian newspaper. ” British.

And Thursday, the moon will become full, when Mars will be in opposition to the sun, which will lead to a near perfect alignment in space for the sun, Earth, moon and Mars.

It is possible to see the astronomical event with the naked eye, and Mars itself will be at its best, after it passed near Earth on December 1 at its closest distance, at only 81.45 million kilometers from Earth.

The event of the disappearance of Mars behind the moon, Thursday, will be visible in the regions of North America, northern Europe, Greenland, and the tip of North Africa.


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