A highway rest area that couldn’t be avoided by the junkyard… Walnut Snacks also cost 5,000 won

Many of you must have been surprised to see the price of snacks while visiting a rest stop on the highway on the way to and from your hometown. A bag of walnut snacks costs well over 5,000 won, making it a burdensome price to buy and eat lightly.

High prices have also raised the price of snacks on the highway. Reporter Jae-min Yoon looked around the rest area.

A rest area in Gyeonggi-do where vehicles returning home are flocking. Customers buy various snacks at the concession stand.

You can relieve the fatigue of long-distance driving and feel like going out, but the price that has risen this year is burdensome.

Seji Choi / Uijeongbu City, Gyeonggi Province
“I think the overall price went up by about 1,000 won. I only bought 3, but I bought it at a little less than 20,000 won. It was a burden.”

Most of the popular products at rest areas have increased in price compared to last year.

Americano, which sold the most, rose 4.3% compared to last year, and coffee beans and snacks rose 7.5% and 8%, respectively.

Walnut snacks rose the most in price, up 11.8% from 4,309 won, with the average price per bag reaching 5,000 won.amount to a circle.

These are walnut snacks purchased for 6,000 won at a rest area. There are 20 in a bag, so it’s like 300 won each.

Small bags recommended by the Korea Expressway Corporation as a ‘cost-effective menu’ are also on sale, but at 3,000 won for 10 bags, the price is the same, except for the small size.

New Year’s Day, the first time in three years, and the happy road back home did not escape the burden of high prices.

This is TV Chosun Yoon Jae-min.

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