A man with feces eyes in a plastic bag at a shopping mall… Strolling with donuts ‘shameless’

(Capture of Mothership) © News 1

A man is shocked when he was caught urinating with a plastic bag in the middle of a shopping center.

On the 1st (local time), Singapore media Mothership reported on what happened in Vivo City, a shopping mall around 4 pm on the 28th of last month.

According to the information reported to Mothership by witness A, a man suddenly began to take off his pants in the corner of the second floor of the shopping mall, where there is a meat restaurant and a clothing store.

The man squatted down with an orange plastic bag open under his feet. Soon he began to defecate.

Person A complained, “There was a lot of brown stuff on the plastic bag and it caused vomiting.” The man left the scene, leaving a plastic bag containing feces on the spot.

Mr. A, who captured this terrible scene and left it on video, ran into the man again while walking around the shopping mall.

“The man was behaving quite normally, as if nothing had happened,” he said. “I walked around the mall with a box of donuts in one hand.”

In the end, Mr. A reported this to the shopping mall and released the video on his personal SNS, saying, “I hate it.”

The restaurant said, “We were not aware that the man was pooping,” and “we did not receive any complaints from other customers.”

However, it is still unknown who cleaned the man’s stool.

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