A medical student discovers that she has cancer after her professor’s examination in a class in Brazil

Gabriella Barbozaa medical student, discovers that she has cancer during a class with his teacher. The events occurred in São Paulo, in Brazil. She and her classmates learned how to perform head and neck physicals.

Your teacher, Daniel Lichtenthalerasked him to participate as a model for an exercise on how to perform a medical examination of neck. “They had already called other students. I got the part where he was going to explain the technique to palpate the thyroid,” she recalls.

When the teacher did the demonstration in class, noticed that “there was something” and to “take a look at it”. The young woman then underwent medical tests, where she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

The young woman assures that she had no symptoms and that she had not noticed a change in your neck. The professor, a specialist in geriatrics and internal medicine, explained to ‘News Brasil’ that he noticed that the student’s thyroid had a significant increase. This was what led him to call the young woman to use her as a model in the demonstration.

Papillary thyroid carcinoma

At the end of October, he was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma. “When I found out, my world collapsed. I kept thinking that I am too young to face that. It is a moment when you see that things can end,” said Gabriella Barboza.

The young woman managed overcome cancer after being detected. “I beat cancer!” he said in a post on Instagram. “I was reborn and now a new cycle begins“, he concludes.

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