a myriad of activities in the forest of Bourgailh on the occasion of the Night of the Stars, August 7

2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Observation of the Sun on an adapted telescope; astronomy workshops for children (making and firing water rockets and aspirin rockets; making 3D constellations); nature discovery workshops on nocturnal animals and on blobs and tardigrades, two living beings that challenge science.

At 9 pm Observation of the sky thanks to the telescopes made available with the help of animators (until midnight).

Four stops will allow you to learn more about the night, with the assistance of naturalist guides: “The forest, the night”, the bats; “Nocturnal Symphony” to test your knowledge of nocturnal animals around an audio quiz; “The lights of our cities” to discover the impact of light pollution on biodiversity and the solutions to remedy it.

A reading of “Tales under the stars” is also offered.

At 10 p.m. Lecture on the solar system at the nature theatre.

At 10:30 p.m Discovery of nocturnal insects”: a luminous bait system will make it possible to observe all the biodiversity of butterflies and other nocturnal insects.

Finally, the “Night in the Tropics” will offer a unique experience: the discovery of the tropical greenhouse at night. This is the only activity for which reservations should be made with the Tourism and Culture Kiosk of the City of Pessac or by phone: 05 57 93 65 40)

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