A new form of an old drug that achieves promising results in the treatment of baldness

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It is known that the drug "minoxidil"which is used by spraying, is the most common medicine used to treat the problem of hair loss and thinning hair, but doctors have recently discovered that taking it in the form of pills achieves greater benefit.

Available "minoxidil" In pharmacies since the eighties of the last century as a spray that is sprayed on the scalp, to reduce hair loss and help hair grow in balding areas.

Despite the success stories of"minoxidil"However, it has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a hair loss pill.

. has been approved "minoxidil"as an aid in re- hair grow Missing for men in 1988 and for women in 1992.

and it works "minoxidil" By using enzymes in hair follicles to stimulate new hair growth.

And recently, doctors found that eating "minoxidil" Orally in pill form, it will break down the active form which leads to better and faster hair regrowth.

It was first discovered by Dr. Rodney Sinclair, MD skin diseases University of Melbourne, Australia, when he received a patient suffering from pattern baldnessHowever, she started experiencing an allergic rash when sprayed on the affected area.

To remedy this situation, use Sinclair tablets "minoxidil" Which helped the hair to grow.

No approved trial has been conducted Food and Drug Administration The US (FDA) for minoxidil in pill form so far, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.

Statistics indicate that about 40 million American men suffer from baldnessWhile more than 50 million suffer from pattern baldness, or what is known as thinning hair.


It is known that the drugminoxidil“, which is used by spraying, is the most common medicine used to treat the problem of hair loss and thinning hair, but doctors have recently discovered that taking it in the form of pills brings greater benefit.

Minoxidil has been available in pharmacies since the eighties of the last century as a spray that is sprayed on the scalp, to reduce hair loss and help hair grow in balding areas.

Despite the success stories of Minoxidil, it has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a hair loss pill.

Minoxidil has been approved as an aid in restoring hair grow Missing for men in 1988 and for women in 1992.

Minoxidil works by using enzymes in hair follicles to stimulate new hair growth.

Recently, doctors found that taking “Minoxidil” orally in the form of pills, will lead to its decomposition of the active form, which leads to better and faster hair re-growth.

It was first discovered by Dr. Rodney Sinclair, MD skin diseases University of Melbourne, Australia, when he received a patient suffering from pattern baldnessHowever, she started experiencing an allergic rash when sprayed on the affected area.

To treat this situation, Sinclair used “Minoxidil” tablets, which helped the hair grow.

No approved trial has been conducted Food and Drug Administration The US (FDA) has taken minoxidil in pill form so far, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”.

Statistics indicate that about 40 million American men suffer from baldnessWhile more than 50 million suffer from pattern baldness, or what is known as thinning hair.

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