A recipe for soaked cloves for the treatment of asthma, lung purification, mouth and gum disinfectant, and pain reliever in 15 days

A recipe for soaked cloves for the treatment of asthma, lung purification, mouth and gum disinfectant, and pain reliever in 15 days

Clove is one of the plants that is classified as therapeutic because of its unlimited capabilities. It is also used in cooking recipes because of its strong and pungent aroma. It has been famous throughout the ages for its ability to relieve dental pain, to the extent that it began to be used as one of the components of dental drugs, starting with antibiotics, analgesics, and even mouthwashes. different.

Cloves soaked steps

With easy and simple steps we can make cloves soaked, and the steps are:
the ingredients

  • waters.
  • Carnation beads.
  • Honey.

How to prepare:

  • Put the cloves in a saucepan.
  • Put the pot on fire.
  • Add enough water to one cup.
  • Leave the mixture until the cork.
  • Leave the mixture to boil for no more than ten minutes.
    Sweetening soaked with honey.
  • Drink the infusion warm after it cools down.

Benefits of cloves soaked for the body

We review with you a set of benefits of cloves and soaked in the body to be as follows:

  • An analgesic without any dental side effects with the possibility of using it unlimited times.
  • It has an appropriate proportion of a group of vitamins that the body needs.
  • Cloves contain substances that act as antioxidants in the body against many infections that may affect it.
  • Prevention of the activity of dormant cancer cells.
  • Helps stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria and fungi that are on the surface of the skin, and inside the body as well.
  • Help calm the body before bed to relax.
  • It has a significant role in improving the digestive system processes and its permanent functions.
  • It cleanses the body of toxins that may affect it at any time.
  • It has the effect of magic on patients with diabetes in the first and second types of blood.
  • It also contributes to enhancing the health of the immune system when regularly eating it.
  • It also reduces the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which may impede the movement of blood in the blood vessels.

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