A Remarkable Turnout at the Seimas Rally: An Unexpected Twist

15min on Wednesday evening, on the eve of the rally, called many of the numbers indicated at the registration to go to rally from various Lithuanian cities.

“We don’t deal with liars”

Most did not agree to introduce themselves by name, did not say how many people had already registered, and some spared no insults.

“We don’t communicate with 15min. We don’t communicate with liars, all the best,” said the man organizing the trip from Klaipėda.

The woman organizing the trip from Kaunas said she could not say how many people registered to go to Vilnius.

“I’m not at home right now and I can’t even look,” claimed the woman, who hung up the phone when asked if she had received many calls.

The woman who answered the number could not say how many people had registered to go from Šiauliai.

There are several buses from Panevėžys

At that time, some of the other organizers of trips to the rally were much more pleasant to communicate with.

“What fifth,” answered the man who answered the phone when asked how many buses were ordered from Panevėžys.

According to him, there are still about 10 free seats left in the last 50-seater bus.

Lukas Balandis/BNS photo/Panevėžys

Sergejus organizing the trip from Marijampolė, Vilkaviškis and Kybarti 15min said that there were a few seats left on the booked bus.

“One bus for now,” said the man, adding that there will be a separate bus from Kazlų Rūda.

However, he could not say exactly how many people will come from the Marijampole region.

Transport for free

Arvydas from Palanga 15min said that he himself has a 50-seater bus, which he will fill with fuel and take people to Vilnius for free.

“I organize here from my environment (…) I have my own bus, this is my initiative. I will drive myself, I will fill the fuel myself,” said the man.

He testified that he filled the entire bus, which will pick up people from both Skuodas and Plunge, Kretinga on Thursday.

Marijampole bus park photo/Bus (associative photo)

Marijampole bus park photo/Bus (associative photo)

When departing from many other cities, the demonstrators will have to pay 15 euros for the trip.

There is no intention to fence the Seimas

Gabrielius Grubinskas, representative of Vilnius city municipality 15min stated that the permit for the rally was issued for 1 thousand people.

This is the number that police officers are waiting for.

“We are preparing as we would for any event to ensure it goes smoothly and safely,” 15min said Vilnius County Police Commander Renaldas Žekonis.

According to him, there are no plans to take additional security measures, such as fencing the Seimas.

Police photo/Renaldas Žekonis

Police photo/Renaldas Žekonis

“There is no information about possible incidents, risks or tensions, so we are not planning it yet,” said the official.

He did not reveal exactly how many officers will work during the rally near the Seimas, but said that “enough”. In addition, the Public Security Service will be used.

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#clear #people #rally #Seimas
2024-09-09 07:47:59

What are‍ the ⁢key ⁢events that ⁤make ‍up the Lithuanian ‌Rally Championship and how do they differ from each other?

⁢ Lithuanian Rally Scene: Exploring the World of Rallying in Lithuania

Rallying is a thrilling ‍motorsport that has ‌gained immense popularity globally,⁣ and Lithuania ‍is ⁤no exception. With ⁣a rich‌ history of motorsport enthusiasts, Lithuania has been hosting various‌ rally ⁢events⁤ throughout the year, attracting⁢ participants and spectators​ from across the country and beyond. In ⁤this article, we’ll delve into the⁢ world of rallying‍ in Lithuania, exploring the latest developments, ​events, and ‍trends in the sport.

National Championships

The Lithuanian Rally Championship ⁤is⁢ the premier rallying competition in the country, featuring a series of events that take place throughout‌ the year. The championship is organized by the Lithuanian⁢ Automobile Club, ⁤which is‍ responsible for promoting and developing motorsport in Lithuania.⁢ The championship attracts top drivers and teams from across the country, competing in various categories,⁣ including Group N, Group A, and⁣ two-wheel drive cars [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

Major Rally Events

Lithuania hosts several major ⁤rally‍ events throughout the year, including the Winter Rally Aukštaitija, Rally ‍Žemaitija, and others.‍ These events are part ​of the​ Lithuanian Rally Championship ‌and ⁣attract top drivers

Here are some potential PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title “The Lithuanian Rally Championship: A Premiere Event in the Baltic Region”:

The Lithuanian Rally Championship: A Premiere Event in the Baltic Region

The Lithuanian Rally Championship, also known as LARC (Lithuanian Automobile Rally Championship), is a prestigious motorsport event that takes place in Lithuania. The championship is organized by the Lithuanian Automobile Sports Federation (LASF) and is a popular event among rally enthusiasts in the Baltic region.

What is the Lithuanian Rally Championship?

The Lithuanian Rally Championship is a series of rallies that take place throughout the year in various locations across Lithuania. The championship is open to drivers and co-drivers from Lithuania and other countries, and it features a range of vehicles from production cars to high-performance rally cars.

Key Events of the Lithuanian Rally Championship

The Lithuanian Rally Championship consists of several key events, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Some of the most notable events include:

Rally Talsi: A flagship event of the Lithuanian Rally Championship, Rally Talsi is a popular rally that takes place in the town of Talsi, Latvia. The event features a challenging course with a mix of gravel and asphalt roads. [[1]]

Rally Liepāja: Another major event of the Lithuanian Rally Championship, Rally Liepāja is held in the coastal city of Liepāja, Latvia. The event is known for its picturesque course and competitive racing.

* Rally Elektrėnai: A popular event among local drivers, Rally Elektrėnai is held in the town of Elektrėnai, Lithuania. The event features a challenging course with a mix of gravel and asphalt roads.

How Do the Events Differ from Each Other?

Each event of the Lithuanian Rally Championship has its own unique characteristics, such as different course layouts, road surfaces, and weather conditions. For example, Rally Talsi is known for its fast and flowing roads, while Rally Liepāja features a more technical course with tighter corners and slower speeds.

Regulations and Governance

The Lithuanian Rally Championship is governed by the Lithuanian Automobile Sports Federation (LASF), which is responsible for setting the rules and regulations for the championship. The LASF also ensures that the events are conducted in a safe and fair manner, with a focus on promoting motorsport in Lithuania and the Baltic region. [[2]]


The Lithuanian Rally Championship is a premier motorsport event in the Baltic region, featuring a range of challenging courses and competitive racing. With its rich history and strong following, the championship continues to grow in popularity, attracting drivers and spectators from across Europe.


[[1]]News Today, “Rally Talsi begins with qualifying”.

[[2]]Lithuanian Automobile Sports Federation, “2024 LARC Regulations”.




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