A scientific study warns: Children staying for hours in front of smart devices is dangerous

The Seventh Day TV provided special coverage about a study that warns children against spending long hours in front of the screens of smart devices, due to its negative effects on their psychological and mental health.

The coverage indicated that a recent study confirmed that the time of use of smart devices in Britain has increased since the emergence of the Corona virus, which has led to a greater dependence on fast food, and high rates of depression and stress.

Children aged 6 to 10 saw an increase of about 1 hour and 23 minutes per day, while children aged 11 to 17 saw an increase of 55 minutes.

And continued coverage of some of the researchers’ statements, where researcher Shahina Bardane, from Anglia Ruskin University, said: “Children who spend most of their time in front of screens are more likely to eat poorly, suffer from eye problems, and develop anxiety, aggression and tantrums.

For adults, spending too much time on the couch increases the risk of depression, loneliness, fatigue and weight gain.

And researchers always advise trying to find other activities that make you able to stay away as much as possible from the screens of smart devices, such as reading and exercising, in a way that allows you to enjoy a better healthy life.

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