A sign that occurs when you close your eyes that you suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 It is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in maintaining the nervous system, and when levels of vitamin B12 are low, damage to nerve endings can cause a series of symptoms, one of which may be noticeable only when you close your eyes, according to the Daily Express website.

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes a feeling of vibration and nerve weakness and affects the perception of muscle and body position when the eyes are closed and minimal external signals, meaning that the body loses its ability to perceive the position of every part of its parts, muscles and limbs when you close your eyes, and this phenomenon is called “proprioception.” .

The human body needs vitamin B12 to produce red blood cells, nerves, DNA, and to perform other major functions.

Complications associated with low levels are often concentrated in the extremities of the body – where the nerves are most sensitive to touch. NHS Vitamins can cause B12 or folic acid deficiency anemia with a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms usually develop gradually, but can worsen if the condition is not treated.

Anemia is where your red blood cell count is lower than normal or you have an abnormally low amount of a substance called hemoglobin in each red blood cell.”

Symptoms can be related to levels B12 The depression is physical or nervous, and usually involves lack of energy, shortness of breath and feeling faint.

Other common symptoms associated with high levels of B12 Low strange or tingling sensations in the hands, legs and feet.

The case was described in a case study of a 31-year-old male who developed . deficiency B12 After undergoing surgery and upon examination, she had a profound loss of joint position and a sense of vibration in all limbs and severely ataxia.”

Who is at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency?

male site Harvard Health That the only foods that provide [B12] These are meat, eggs, poultry, dairy products and other foods from animals.

And because vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, groups that exclude meat and fish from their diet are generally more likely to be deficient.

And conditions that interfere with the absorption of nutrients, such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease, can cause a problem B12.

Those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery may also suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, as this may deplete the concentration of intrinsic factor in the stomach.

Therefore, low levels of intrinsic factor interfere with the body’s ability to extract vitamin B12 from food.

Patients with severe deficiency due to malabsorption B12 They may recommend vitamin D injections.


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