A specialist reveals the amazing benefits of “beet” for the nervous and digestive systems… and the amount allowed to be eaten daily

Al-Marsad newspaper: The nutritionist, Natalia Lazorenko, explained that eating beet positively affects the nervous and digestive systems.

Lazorenko pointed out that these vegetables contain betaine, which they color in red, and betaine is converted in the human body first to choline, and then to acetylcholine, pointing out: “This substance improves the transmission of nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, and thus affects Positively affects awareness, activity, awareness of new topics, and activates the central nervous system in general.

Lazorenko recommended that people suffering from obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorders include beetroot tops in the daily diet in the form of a salad, according to “TASS”.

And it turns out that beetroot contains a fairly large amount of vitamins, especially B vitamins, which along with choline improve the performance of the digestive system on vitamin C, which helps the human body absorb iron. Therefore, it is better to eat these vegetables with meat. red for example.

She stated that “beet”, especially if you eat it fresh or in the form of juice, has a choleretic effect, and thus cleanses the liver. Therefore, people with gallstone disease should include beet in their diet with caution, indicating that the safe dose of beet is about 150 grams every day. It was fresh or cooked.

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