Actress loses her sense of taste during chemotherapy: everything she eats is bitter, she only feels “this taste” | Entertainment | CTWANT

Zhu Xinyi and her husband Wesley have a very good relationship. (Photo/Photo taken from Zhu Xinyi’s Facebook)

Actress Zhu Xinyi announced on March 8 this year (2022) that she had stage three breast cancer. In order to restore her health, she worked hard to receive treatment, but the side effects of chemotherapy changed her body mechanism. I feel tired, and even the sense of taste changes, and I can only eat bitter and sour. A few days ago, Zhu Xinyi said in an exclusive interview with the media that she will have the surgery after Mother’s Day, and the date has not yet been determined, but she will test the specimen later, and then decide whether to continue chemotherapy.

According to “TVBS News Network”, Zhu Xinyi changed her eating habits due to cancer and needed to reduce her intake of sugar. In an interview with the media, she said that she only talked to her husband Wesley a few days ago that she seemed to have not eaten sweets for a long time, “My body seems to be used to it. I don’t eat sweets anymore, my kids are eating ice in summer, and I only take one bite, I just want to taste it, my husband thinks I have self-control.”

Zhu Xinyi recalled her condition at the beginning of the treatment and said frankly that this treatment was a bit like a withdrawal period for her, “I wanted to say at that time that you can’t eat sweet, otherwise eat salty, eat some potato chips or snacks. But after eating it, it was bitter. I felt that it was meaningless to eat like this. Anyway, everything was bitter. In the end, I didn’t eat anything, and I got used to it.” Zhu Xinyi said that during the treatment period, she was unable to eat food normally, which made her very uncomfortable. She was troubled, but she turned to comfort herself later, “Actually, people who are sick have problems with their metabolic mechanisms. It is right to drink a lot of water seriously.”

Later, when Zhu Xinyi was eating, he found that eating sour food could actually arouse his sense of taste, “(Previously) I didn’t eat any sour fruit, and I didn’t like tomatoes before, but now I love sour food, so I feel like eating.” In addition, chemotherapy also made her gassy worse, even if she only eats a little food and water, she will have gas.

Zhu Xinyi revealed that when she did her last chemotherapy, the side effects were reduced from the original 9 to 4, and the mucous membrane of the mouth was no longer broken, “I think God still favors me, but I don’t know how my body is used to it in the later stage, although I will be tired. , but the side effects have been reduced, and the body has improved!”

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