Airlangga’s Resignation Extends Unusual Golkar Succession Trend

General Chairman of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto (ANTARA PHOTO/Aprillio Akbar)

Political observer Adi Prayitno said that Airlangga Hartarto’s resignation as General Chairman of the Golkar Party raised questions.

“I think everyone was surprised by Airlangga’s resignation, which seemed sudden and abrupt, because so far the issue related to the munaslub (extraordinary national conference) has never been successful,” said Adi in a statement received in Jakarta today.

According to him, the resignation is in contrast to Airlangga’s leadership in the Golkar Party which has increased the number of seats in the 2024 Election.

However, Adi said that Airlangga’s resignation meant that the leadership changes in the Golkar Party always changed in an unnatural situation.

Previously, he said, there had been an internal conflict when Setya Novanto was elected to serve as the party’s general chairman.

“If we look at the general trend, the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party is always born from an abnormal situation. The General Chairperson of the Golkar Party before Airlangga, Setnov, became the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party in the midst of Golkar’s internal conflict at that time. If I’m not mistaken, the internal conflict was between the Aburizal Bakrie and Agung Laksono camps,” he explained.

Also read: Airlangga Resigns, Golkar Allegedly Intervened

He also reminded that Airlangga was elected as general chairman when Setnov was dealing with legal problems.

In fact, he said, in 2004, Akbar Tanjung, who served as General Chairman of the Golkar Party and succeeded in winning the most legislative elections, had to be removed and replaced by Jusuf Kalla.

“Conditions like these actually make the change of Golkar’s General Chairperson always preceded by a situation that is actually not normal and not conducive. So, if Airlangga suddenly resigns, yes, this certainly further prolongs how the leadership succession in the Golkar Party is always colored by abnormal conditions,” he said. (Ant/P-2)

#Airlanggas #Resignation #Extends #Unusual #Golkar #Succession #Trend



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