The global actor insisted Alec Baldwin to comply with the investigation into the fatal shooting of cinematographer Helena Hutchins, the trapped actor said in a video message posted on Instagram. Instagram: “Any news that I am not complying with requests, orders, demands or search warrants regarding my phone is a lie.”
Baldwin, 63, said authorities in New Mexico, where the shooting took place, were coordinating with authorities in New York, where Baldwin lives, to get the phone, adding that it was a long process and that he’s a person in another state.
“Of course, we will comply with a thousand percent of all of that, we totally agree with that,” the actor added.
The police in charge of the investigation obtained permission on December 16 to confiscate Alec Baldwin’s mobile phone, which the fatal bullet fired from a pistol he was training to use in one of the scenes, and Baldwin was rehearsing one of the film’s scenes with the director of photography for the Western movie Helena Hutchins when the tragedy occurred on October 21 Past a farm in Santa, New Mexico.
Baldwin confirmed that he did not pull the trigger of the gun before the shot was fired, but that all he did was sharpen the hammer, and said in an interview that he did not know how live ammunition reached the shooting location and that it was “inside the gun” itself that he was told was harmless.
The phone confiscation memo indicated that Baldwin’s phone “may contain evidence” related to the case, such as emails he may have exchanged regarding production details of the film.