Alexandra Henrion Caude or vaccination according to Jesus

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In her bestseller “Les Apprentis sorciers”, the geneticist develops scientific arguments against RNA vaccines. But this statement hides a deeply religious thesis.

Par Olivier Hertel

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« QWhat would Christ do if he were humanly among us? The question does not come from the pope, nor from a bishop or any priest who would have every license to appeal to Jesus to address the community of believers. No, it is from Alexandra Henrion Caude, a former researcher who took early retirement from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) in 2019.

This geneticist became known to the general public for her hostility to health measures during the pandemic. She became a leading figure in the antivax and conspiratorial movement. These words about Christ were made in 2021 during a covid-19 conference with a fundamentalist Catholic organization which we will discuss later.

Indeed, we will see, the D…

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