Another demonstration against mass tourism on Mallorca

“We want to remind people, even if only for a few hours, that the beach belongs to all Mallorcans,” activist Eloy told the newspaper “Diario de Mallorca.” The holidaymakers who took photos of the action understood that.

High cost of living

“The action is not directed against them, but against the tourism model,” said Eloy. Such actions on beaches have taken place several times on the island: in May and June, several tens of thousands of people took part in two peaceful demonstrations in Palma against the excesses of tourism.

Protests also took place in other tourist centers in Spain. Critics complained primarily about the high cost of living and the lack of affordable housing as a result of the mass influx of vacationers.

Questionable graffiti

The demonstrations have so far all been peaceful. But now nasty graffiti slogans have also appeared on Mallorca, as the “Mallorca Magazine” and the “Mallorca Newspaper” reported. “Kill A Tourist” in English or “Tourismus macht frei” in German – apparently an allusion to the cynical Nazi slogan “Arbeit macht frei” (Work sets you free) above the entrance gates to concentration camps.



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