Anti-epidemic Small Theater丨Hoarding unscientific and blind use of drugs is more harmful_Hangzhou Net

Anti-epidemic small theater丨Hoarding unscientific and blind use of drugs is more harmful

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-12-07 23:16

Zhejiang News Client News Recently, information such as the “new crown medication order chart” and “drug stockpiling list” have been circulated on the Internet. The frequency of citizens buying antipyretics, cold medicines, and Chinese patent medicines has indeed increased, especially the basic sales of Lianhua Qingwen and other drugs. exhausted. Experts remind that everyone’s constitution is different, and the medicines that should be taken are not exactly the same. The treatment should be analyzed according to the specific situation of each person’s physical condition. Many citizens regard medicines such as Banlangen and Lianhua Qingwen as “safe medicine” and “preventive medicine”, and feel that there are no side effects after taking them. In fact, these medicines are mainly used for clearing away heat and detoxification, clearing throat and throat, and can relieve symptoms such as dry throat or sore throat. Citizens without relevant symptoms do not need to take it, otherwise it will cause a certain burden on the liver and kidney metabolism. Also, medicines have a shelf life. In general, it is necessary to purchase medicines on demand in a scientific and reasonable manner.

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