Apex Legends: 6 kinds of meanings of “new server warning icon” that no one knew the meaning revealed | EAA !! FPS News

Respawn Entertainmentの『Apex Legends(Apex Legends) ”, The“ Awakening Collection Event ”is being held for a limited time. In this event update, a new species has been added to the server-related warning icon displayed in the UI, and the development staff explains the meaning.

New warning icon implementation … but no one knows what it means

In Apex, where online battles are the main content, the connection status with the server is always monitored, and if there is a problem on the server side or the player side, a warning icon is displayed on the UI.

Until nowLatencyorPacket lossLine congestionForecast errorFour kinds of icons were known.

In the update (13.1) accompanying the recent “Awakening Collection Event”, in addition to the previous icons,6 new warning iconsHas been reported among players to be displayed.

But the trouble is that theseI don’t understand the meaning of the iconThat was a hot topic on Reddit.

As an example, for a new icon (slightly right in the center of the image) that represents an electric shock or heartbeat,So what is this new server error icon?A Reddit user asked a question, but no one knew it, so it ended up saying, “There’s nothing wrong with the server.”OgiriIt was.

Explanation by development staff

In response to the user’s reaction, a few days after this question was asked, Mrsteyk, one of the development staff, explained on his Twitter, and the meaning of the six new icons became clear.

ucmd errorucmd error
  • UCMD delay: An icon that indicates that there is a lag in the game when the player enters a command.There are various causes, but there are cases where the connection status is poor when the controller, keyboard, and mouse are wireless.
  • Rag compensation error: This icon with the “rewind” symbol recreates the scenario when the server uses the player’s delay to rewind the time and enter a command (such as the screen jumping during operation). State)
  • Data error: For some reason, it is interfering with the processing of game data.
  • Starvation: Insufficient resources required to process data for some reason
  • Issue marker: Some general problem has been detected
  • limit: For some reason, the internet line has reached the upper limit of traffic.

Actually, the cause of the error varies depending on the player environment, so if you see this icon, you can check this part.The solution cannot be derived immediatelyIt seems that. If these errors occur frequently,EA helpWe recommend that you contact your provider or your provider.

Source: Twitter

Apex Legends: The meaning was a mystery
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Apex Legends: The meaning was a mystery


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