Apple stops launching an AI-powered email app…

(MENAFN- Al Wakeel News) News Agency – Apple has reportedly stopped approving an update to the AI-powered BlueMail email app.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the Blue Mail email app that uses a custom version of OpenAL’s GPT3 language model has been discontinued.
Ben Volatchell, co-founder of Plex Inc., criticized Apple’s action, saying it delays users taking advantage of this innovation.
Why did Apple stop updating the email app?
Apple has reportedly delayed App Store approval of an update to Blue Mail due to concerns that it may generate inappropriate content for children, as it does not include a content filtering feature and is not appropriate for children.
To obtain Apple’s approval, Blue Mail may need to set age restrictions for users of 17 or older, or include content filtering required by Apple. Currently, the age restriction for the app is limited to users four years of age and older.
This is not the first time that a dispute has arisen between Apple and Blue Mail, as several disputes arose between them, the most important of which was that Blue Mail filed a lawsuit against Apple, during which it claimed that the “log in” feature in Apple violated one of its patents, according to what was reported by the site. The Gadget’s mail.
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