Asturias strengthens the recovery of employment and increases permanent contracts with the reform

The recovery of the Asturian labor market continues to take firm steps. During the month of February, 66,189 unemployed were registered in the region, which represents a cut of 100 with respect to the previous month, and 367,629 Social Security affiliates were recorded, which means an increase of 1,020 jobs with respect to January and the surpassing pre-pandemic figures. In addition, permanent hiring has skyrocketed, which the Principality links to the effects of the labor reform that came into force with the new year.

Unemployment and affiliation. In monthly rate, the cut in unemployment in Asturias is 0.15% and the increase in affiliation is 0.36%. But if the annual reference is taken, the cut in unemployment is 22.84% (19,592 fewer unemployed) and the increase in enrollment is 3.16% (11,277 more jobs). Ignacio García, director of Corporate Support of the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs (FADE) highlighted that the year-on-year cut in unemployment is “the highest in the month of February in the entire historical series”. García highlighted that in all sectors of activity unemployment has decreased in year-on-year terms, highlighting construction, which has reduced the number of unemployed by almost 26%. But in absolute terms, he highlighted the sharp decline in the services sector, estimated at 13,328 people, “a clear indicator that the intense effects of the pandemic on this sector are beginning to relax and employment is recovering.”

The ERTE and the rescues. To gauge the decline in unemployment, it must be taken into account that the extraordinary measures of the Government to contain the unemployment figures during the coronavirus pandemic are still active. In Asturias, according to data from the Ministry of Inclusion, there are still 2,359 workers covered by ERTE (1,689 of them linked to covid, the lowest number since the start of the pandemic) and 1,762 self-employed workers who receive the benefit for cessation of activity.

The hiring. The manager of the Public Employment Service (Sepepa), Pilar Varela, focused on hiring. He highlighted that the entry into force of the labor reform has triggered indefinite contracts in February: 3,947, 14.11% more than in January and 134.94% more than in the same month of 2021. The effect of the labor reform It can also be seen in the decrease in the number of contracts signed as a result of less temporary work. In February, 21,136 contracts were signed in Asturias, which is 2,220 less than the previous month. Of the total, 80.42% of the contracts were temporary, 18.67% permanent and 0.91% training.

Women. Severino Menéndez, responsible for Employment of the CC OO of Asturias highlighted the differences by sex in the unemployment figures in the region. “There are 66,189 people waiting for paid work and most of them are women. There are 38,338 Asturian women who continue to be mistreated by the labor market and it is timely to denounce it a few days before celebrating March 8,” Menéndez stressed. From UGT of Asturias it was highlighted that women suffered an unfavorable behavior in February compared to the previous month, registering an increase in unemployment of 0.6% compared to the decrease of 1.1% registered by men. “This worse evolution of women is joined by the high number of those affected by an ERTE Covid, which is 58.4% of the total,” highlighted the Employment Secretary of the UGT of Asturias, Belén Bernabéu.

The valuations. The unions pointed out that the improvement in the labor market “is far from being enough.” For its part, the Asturian employers FADE was also cautious in its assessment. Its director of Corporate Support, Ignacio García, pointed out that the data is positive but within “negative circumstantial circumstances that may affect the labor market”. Pilar Varela, director of Sepepa, pointed out that the February data “encourages us to continue working with the deployment of our active employment policies.”

National data. In the country as a whole, the number of unemployed fell by 11,394 people in February, 0.36% and the largest decrease for this month since 2015, leaving the total number of unemployed at 3,111,684, while enrollment continued to rise, with 67,111 more jobs, and record permanent contracting.

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