Benjamin Maréchal was on site when the agent arrived at Delhaize in Marcinelle, the reality on the ground filmed live by our teams (video)

This morning, like every other day, picket in front of Delhaize de Marcinelle. These pickets no longer dare to put themselves in the parking lot of Delhaize and were in the parking lot of McDonald’s just opposite, to avoid trouble with the bailiff.

At 8:45 a.m., we witnessed the arrival of the bailiff, who did not officially issue the order. Officially, the workers therefore do not have to pay the penalty payment of 1,000 euros, but the bailiff threatened to issue this penalty payment. Reason why the SETCA union representative who was there had to remove all the carts to allow the reopening of the store.

The staff, worried about having to pay 1,000 euros, also left the McDonald’s car park to take refuge on the nearby road to no longer be within the bailiff’s scope of action.

Check out the video below.

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