Big Brainstorm to Improve iOS 16 Battery Indicator

It was enough for Apple to reintroduce the display of an encrypted battery indicator on the locked screen of iOS 16 to reignite the debates, brighten the conversations and encourage some to open Photoshop.

Several chapels immediately rose after the release of this beta 5. There is one where the parishioners find the result missed, because illegible, too small to be useful. Then that of those who consider the approach taken completely incoherent, because the percentage is displayed indifferently on a gauge visually always at 100%, except in special cases.

iOS 16 finally shows battery percentage on top of iPhones with Face ID ????

iOS 16 finally shows battery percentage on top of iPhones with Face ID ????

Another parish sees the mere presence of value on screen as emotionally too “ stressful “. Better not to know anything, to keep this cursed percentage out of sight, or to show it only if the value reaches a very low threshold. But what threshold exactly? 35, 20, 10%? So-and-so then proposes to get everyone to agree by another setting where everyone would type in the value that suits them.

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