Cancer cells disappear in 3 weeks, why does near-death experience cure disease? | hallucinations | consciousness | cancer

Anita Moorjani is a New York Times bestselling author and a former patient with advanced lymphoma.When she was dying, she experienced something that most people have never experienced.near-death experience

Advanced lymphoma, tumor as big as a lemon, her cancer cells disappeared in 3 weeks

At that time, Muzani had been fighting lymphoma for four years. Her cancer cells had spread, and her body was covered with tumors, some the size of lemons. She was only 85 pounds (38.6 kilograms) and described herself as “like a skinned skeleton frame”.

On the morning of February 2, 2006, Muzani’s organs began to fail and shut down, and he fell into a coma. Doctors informed the family and announced that she had only a few more hours to live.

During this time, wonderful things happened.Although Muzani was unconscious with his eyes closed,consciousnessBut suddenly woke up.

She described the situation: “I felt ‘I’ expand out of my body, and I could see my body lying on the hospital bed.” She was like an extremely awake and omnipresent bystander who could be anywhere at the same time.

She felt her soul enter another world, which she thought was heaven.There she saw so many beings welcoming her, as if each being soaked in the mercy and unconditional love of God, let herconsciousnessto the preciousness and greatness of life itself. She has traveled for a long time in this world without the constraints of time and space, seeing the past and the future.

She suddenly understood that her life goals and choices were distorted, she dealt with everything from fear and negativity, and lived a heavy life, which eventually led to her own bodycancer. “And I also really knew that when I got back into my body, the cancer would heal very quickly,” she said.

After more than 30 hours of dying, Muzani miraculously woke up. “I’m going to get better, it’s not time to die,” she announced to the family at the bedside.

Four or five days later, the tumor in her body had shrunk by 70 percent. Within three weeks, the cancer cells had disappeared without a trace. After five weeks of recovery, she was discharged home.

She said that this timenear-death experienceThe most important achievement is her new understanding of the meaning of life. It made her understand how she should live.

10 Phenomena of Near-Death Experiences

Modern research on near-death experiences can be traced back to about 50 years ago, in the 1970s. But descriptions of such experiences can be found as far back as ancient Greece.[1]

Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are highly vivid and often life-trajectory experiences that occur under extreme physiological conditions, such as trauma, cessation of brain activity, deep general anesthesia, or cardiac arrest. According to the prevailing view in neuroscience, any form of consciousness or sensory experience is impossible in this case.[2]

Although NDEs vary from person to person, they typically include the following characteristics:

● feel very comfortable, no pain
● a feeling of being out of the body, sometimes being able to float in the air and see your body
● The mind functions more clearly and faster than usual
● being pulled into a tunnel or darkness
● see a brilliant light, sometimes at the end of the tunnel
● feel overwhelming peace and happiness, or unconditional love
● The feeling of gaining unlimited knowledge
● Review your life, or recall important events in the past
● Prediction of future events
● Encounters with deceased relatives, friends or other religious figures

Muzzani’s detailed experience is in line with these summaries. Also, some people have a different near-death experience that can be frightening or painful.

The reason for the near-death experience, nothallucination

Many people say NDEs are caused by various reasonshallucination. For example, due to hypoxia, hypercapnia, hormone and neurotransmitter release, or epilepsy, limbic lobe activation, brain dysfunction, etc.[3]

The most common explanation for near-death experiences is the dying brain hypothesis — hallucinations caused by brain activity as cells begin to die.

Sam Parnia, a well-known professor of near-death experiences and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, wrote that from a scientific point of view, there is currently no research that can provide definitive data linking near-death experiences and abnormal brain states.

A study published in the journal Discovery in 2021 by researchers at the University of Oregon in the United States emphasizes that the plausible brain dying hypothesis cannot explain the full range of features that may arise during a near-death experience, such as why people experience out-of-body experiences.[4]

In addition, there is a lot of evidence that people experience sensory perception during a near-death experience. But modern science believes that consciousness is generated by the activity of neurons in the brain, and people will not have this sensory perception experience in extreme near-death situations.

Others believe that the sense of calm and well-being experienced during a near-death experience is due to the effects of drugs or even drugs. However, the literature in the Medical Quarterly: International Journal of Medicine points out that this claim does not conform to scientific logic.[3]Just as hugs can bring happiness, so can certain drugs, but it is not true that hugs are happy because the hugger is taking drugs.

Scientists in Italy and Switzerland conducted two separate studies to compare the quality of memories of near-death experiences and those of phantom events. The results all found that the recollection of the near-death experience was inconsistent with the phantom experience. Memories of near-death experiences are closer to and seem to be “more real” than real-life events.[5][6]

Memories of near-death experiences are at odds with phantom experiences and are closer to memories of real events. (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)

One of the studies revealed that the brainwaves associated with recalling near-death experiences were similar to those of real memories and different from those of phantom memories. Near-death experience memories are clearer than real event memories and coma memories, and contain more self-referential and emotional information. The researchers therefore concluded that near-death experiences cannot be considered as memories of imagined events.

Objectively speaking, although many phenomena cannot be explained by the medical community, skeptics rarely accuse NDEs of making up stories out of thin air. The feeling that people have been there must have happened, to say the least. Cases of near-death experiences are numerous and often well-documented, including some reputable or respected medical professionals.

Eben Alexander was a neurosurgeon who taught and practiced at several prestigious hospitals and schools including Harvard Medical School. He suffered a near-death experience after suffering from rare meningitis and severe coma, and later recovered within a short period of time. Because of his familiarity with the field of neuromedicine, Alexander’s analysis by studying his own medical records is that he was in a deep coma during the near-death experience, his brain was completely shut down; he believes that the only explanation for what he felt and saw was Yes, that is, his soul has indeed been separated from the body. However, modern scientific testing methods have not been able to confirm this phenomenon. (Recommended reading:[Interview]Harvard doctor sees ‘paradise’ after comatose with rare disease

near-death experiencehealingdisease?

Another impressive aspect of Muzani’s story is that after her near-death experience, she was cured of advanced lymphoma in a very short time, and the cancer cells disappeared in the body.

Not only Muzzani and Alexander, but many people experienced miracles of life, or life changes, after experiencing near-death experiences. What is the reason for these miracles?

During NDE experiences, people typically report increased beliefs about the meaning of life. And correspondingly, there is less fear of death, more altruism, more compassion and responsibility, and the ability to show great love to others.[3]

The physiological changes brought about by this sublimation of thinking may be one of the reasons for the improvement of the disease condition.

Researchers from the University of California, Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Biobehavior and Immunology jointly published a study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine. They followed up 43 women and found that women who valued, or more valued than before, seeking meaning in life had more virulent natural killer cells, that is, cells that functioned better, than women who valued the goal of meaning less in life. powerful.This means that such peoplecancerAnd the ability of the virus is also more powerful.[7]

Women who value the search for meaning and purpose in life have stronger natural killer cells.  (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)
Women who value the search for meaning and purpose in life have stronger natural killer cells. (Health 1+1/Epoch Times)

Natural killer cells are the body’s natural immune cells, which can broadly kill solid tumor cells and blood cancer cells, as well as virus-infected cells. They are like cops with guns, catching and destroying the outlaws inside. A decrease in their activity or number can lead to the development and metastasis of cancer, as well as viral infection. In addition, many diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, immunodeficiency syndrome and certain autoimmune diseases, are also associated with natural killer cells.[8]

Beliefs in and valuing the meaning of life play an important role in maintaining and enhancing physical and mental health.[9]

Understanding the meaning of life will lead to a more positive attitude towards life and a more peaceful mind, all of which help cancer patients regain a sense of control over their cancer and their lives. People who have lost their belief in the meaning of life are often reluctant to face life positively, have high levels of depression and stress, and naturally their disease is not easy to get better.

A Yale University study published in the journal Palliative Supportive Care in 2014 followed 52 advanced cancer patients. They found that mental well-being had a strong impact on the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer, even more so than physical and emotional health.[10]

Not only cancer, but the spiritual improvement after a near-death experience may also be of great help to the improvement of other diseases. Young Bohan University in the United States tested 100 devout believers aged 15 to 59 and found that the better the mental health, the lower the risk of heart disease-related blood pressure, inflammation, fasting blood sugar, and blood lipid indicators.[11]

Living in a chaotic world, with a healthy mind, just seeHealth 1+1

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng

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