Cash Flow Chronicles: Unveiling the Timing of Fresh ATM Deposits

Dates of payment of monthly main EFKA pensions

1. The date of payment of the main monthly EFKA pensions is defined as:

a) For employees, the penultimate working day of the previous month

b) For the self-employed, the fourth last working day of the previous month

2. In exceptional cases, the dates of paragraph 1 may be varied after a reasoned decision of the EFKA Board of Directors and approval of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity

It should be noted that pensioners will see the money in their accounts from the afternoon of the previous working day.

Pensions October 2024 – Unemployed

The payments of the main and supplementary pensions of the e-EFKA for the month of October 2024 will be carried out for the self-employed on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.


OAEE will pay the pensions on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The OGA will pay the pensions on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The EBRD (non-Employee) will pay the pensions on Wednesday 25 September 2024

EFKA pensions for those who are retired (Employed & Unemployed) from 1.1.2017 onwards (Law 4387/2016) will be paid on Wednesday 25 September 2024

Private sector Ancillary (self-employed and employed) will be paid on Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Pensions October 2024 – Employees

The payments of the main and auxiliary pensions of the e-EFKA for the month of September 2024 will be carried out for employees on Friday, September 27, 2024

The IKA – ETAM will pay the pensions on Friday, September 27, 2024

The State will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

Provisional pensions for the Armed Forces, Security Forces and Fire Brigade will be paid on Friday 27 September 2024

NAT and KEAN will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

ETAP – SME will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

ETAT will pay the pensions on Friday, September 27, 2024

TSEAPGSO, TSP-ISAP will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

PPC will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

OTE will pay on Friday, September 27, 2024

The State Supplements will be paid on Friday, September 27, 2024

OPECA will pay the Uninsured Seniors on Monday, September 2024.

Pensions: The age limits for leaving the IKA and DEKO Funds, banks

Pensions with age limits below 62 years can be received by 12 categories of old insured persons in IKA and DEKO-bank Funds.

The ‘Insurance and Pensions’ tab today publishes the guide to retirement conditions for these categories, so that those aged between 56-62 know which category they fall into and whether they can retire in the last 4 months of 2024.

Regarding the IKA, there are 6 categories of old insured (before 1993) who can apply for a pension (full or reduced) until the end of 2024:

  1. Mothers born in 1966 who completed a total of 5,500 insurance days with a minor child in 2010, as long as they turned 55 by 2018. With these conditions, they can retire in 2024 for a full pension, with the new age limit of 61 years, if they have not already retired on a reduced basis.
  2. Mothers born in 1965 who had 5,500 insurable days with a minor child in 2011 and turned 52 by 2017 will retire this year with a reduced pension as they reach the new age limit of 58.5. Full pensions from the same category are received by insured persons who turned 57 by 2018 and have already reached the new age limit, which is 62. Those who turn 57 from 2019 onwards will receive a full pension in 2025, reaching the new age limit of 63.3 years, while they can retire at any time with a reduced one.
  3. Mothers born in 1963 who had 5,500 days of insurance with a minor child in 2012 and turned 55 by 2018 retire on a reduced pension in 2024 at the new age limit of 61. The same retirement conditions apply to widowed fathers insured before 1993 with the assistance of a minor child and 5,500 days of insurance until 2012.
  4. Men and women with a total of 10,500 days of insurance, of which 7,500 days of heavy insurance, retire in 2024 with an age limit of 60 for reduced pension and 62 for full. The reduction in this version is 12% on the national pension, i.e. only 51 euros, with the national pension at 375.17 euros, instead of 426.17 euros. Insureds who complete the conditions of 7,500 days in the heavy and total time of 10,500 days until 2014 leave with lower age limits, i.e. with full up to 61.6 and reduced up to 59.6 years.
  5. Men and women with 3,600 days of insurance in heavy and 4,500 in total retire in 2024 with an age limit of 62 for full pension.
  6. Women insured in the heavy IKA who completed 4,500 days of insurance until 2012, of which 3,600 days in the heavy, retire with a full pension at the age of 55, 56 and 57, depending on whether they have secured the heavy and the total insurance time in 2010, in 2011 or 2012. Retirement at this age limit is included, regardless of the year in which it is completed. For example, an insured person who in 2012 had 3,600 days in heavy duty and a total of 4,500 days of insurance has a fundamental right to retire at the age of 57 for a full pension at any time after reaching the age of 57.

Attention: Pregnant women are required in the last 17 years before applying for a pension to have 1,000 days in pregnant. This means that they should not have discontinued their insurance until they reach the age limit.

Pension for mothers of minors and three children from DEKO Funds, banks

Retirement application in 2024 for full and reduced pension under 62 years can be submitted by 6 categories of mothers insured in DEKO-bank Funds.

In particular, the following categories may withdraw from the said Funds with mothers’ provisions for early retirement:

  1. Mother employees in DEKO-banks born in 1966, who were 25 years old in 2010 with a minor child and reached their 50th year of age by 2016, can retire at any time for a full pension with an age limit of 56.9 years, who completed it within 2023.
  2. Mother employees in DEKO-banks who in 2011 had the necessary 25 years with a minor child and completed their 52nd year of age by 2017 leave with a full pension in 2024 with an age limit of 58.5 years.
  3. Mothers of employees of DEKO-banks who in 2012 had the necessary 25 years with a minor child and reached the age of 55 by 2018 retire with a full pension in 2024 with an age limit of 61.
  4. Mother-of-three employees of DEKO-banks who in 2010 had completed the necessary 20 years required by the statutory provisions of their Funds can leave within 2024 without an age limit.
  5. Mother-of-three employees of DEKO-banks who had completed the necessary 20 years of service in 2011 and reached the age of 52 by 2017 will retire in 2024 with an age limit of 58.5 years.
  6. Mothers of three, employees of DEKO-banks who had completed the necessary 20 years in 2012 even with the redemption of fictitious years and completed their 55th year of age by 2018 leave in 2024 with an age limit of 61 years.

Who is affected by the age limit changes?

In all cases of old insured persons whose old retirement age (e.g. 52-55-58-59) is completed from 2022 onwards the retirement age is 62, while the insurance years increase to 40. If the old retirement age is completed by 2021 and the required years of insurance are missing, these can be completed with fictitious time recognitions so that insured persons have the time and age requirements until 2021. If the requirements are not completed by 2021 for full pension, then the option is for a reduced pension with age limits ranging from 56 to 62 years.


The changes to the age limits do not affect insured persons who had reached the old age limit and the insurance period required for retirement by 18/8/2015, as they can retire at any time. Those who complete the required insurance period up to 31/12/2022 and until 31/12/2021 the old age at which they would have received a pension are also not affected.


Insured persons who complete the old retirement age after 1/1/2022 are affected and retire at 62 with 40 years of insurance or at 67 with fewer years of insurance. For example, a 58-year-old civil servant in 2020 with 35 years of service will receive a pension at 61, while at the age of 58 in 2022 he will be 62 and will need 40 years of insurance.

Full pension for mothers from the IKA

With 5,500 days until 2010 and a minor child Age 55 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
56.6 years old in 2016
58 in 2017
59,6 in 2018
61 in 2019
62,6 in 2020
64 in 2021
65,6 in 2022
With 5,500 days in 2011 and a minor child Age 57 years
Retirement age in 2016
59,6 in 2017
60,9 in 2018
62 in 2019
63,3 in 2020
64,6 in 2021
65,9 in 2022


Reduced mothers’ pension from the IKA
With 5,500 stamps and a minor in 2010 or 2011
Age 50 or 52 Retirement age
in 2016 56,9
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,10
from 1/1/2020
62 With 5,500 stamps and a minor in 2012
Age 55 years Retirement age
From 19/8 to 31/12/2015 56.6 years old
in 2016 58
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61

from 1/1/2019


INSURED IN THE IKA UNTIL 12/31/1992. IKA pension with 10,500 marks (and with consecutive insurance)
With 10,500 stamps by 2011 (and 10,800 for retirement) Age 58 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
58.6 years old in 2016
59 in 2017
59,6 in 2018
60 in 2019
60,6 in 2020
61 in 2021
in 2022 62
With 10,500 stamps in 2012 (and 11,100 for retirement) Age 59 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
59.5 years old in 2016
59,9 in 2017
60,2 in 2018
60,6 in 2019
60,11 in 2020
61,3 in 2021

61,8 in 2022

62 Full and reduced pension with burden on IKA
(men – women) With 10,500 marks in total and 7,500 in heavy
Retirement age Full pension Reduced pension
in 2012 56,6 54,6
in 2013 60,9 58,9
in 2014 61,6 59,6

from 1/1/2015

62 60 IKA pension for pregnant women
Year Officially Retirement age limit
Until 2010 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 55
2011 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 56
2012 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 57

From 1/1/2013

4,500 (the 3,600 baria)
62 Full mothers’ pension from DEKO-bank Funds
25 years old and a minor in 2010-2011 Age 50-52
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
55 2016
56,9 2017
58,5 2018
60,2 2019
61,1 2020
63,7 2021
2022 67
25 years old and a minor in 2012 Age 55
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
56,6 2016
58 2017
59,6 2018
61 2019
62,6 2020
64 2021

65,6 2022

Reduced pension mothers from DEKO-bank Funds
with a minor and 25 years old in 2011 Age 50
Retirement age From 19/8/ to 31/12/2015
55 2016
56,9 2017
58,5 2018
60,2 2019
From 1/1/2020 62
Reduced pension with a minor and 25 years in 2012 Age 53
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12//2015
56,6 2016
58 2017
59,6 2018


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From 1/1/201962 
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