Causes and factors that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Written by Nahir Abdel Nabi

Thursday, March 23, 2023 02:00 PM

Researchers don’t know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s, and there may be a lot of things behind it, but as scientists learn more about the condition, they’re finding clues about the source of symptoms and who is at risk..

According to the website webmdWhen a person has a disease Alzheimer’s Most of the time, brain cells form two types of defects:

When a person has Alzheimer’s disease, their brain changes. It contains fewer healthy cells and becomes smaller over time. Most of the time, brain cells form two types of defects.

Neurofibrillary tangles These are the twisted fibers inside brain cells that prevent nutrients and other important things from moving from one part of the cell to another.

Beta-amyloid plaques are sticky clumps of proteins that build up between neurons instead of breaking apart as they do in healthy brains..

Plaques and tangles damage healthy brain cells around them. Damaged cells die and the brain shrinks. These changes cause Alzheimer’s symptoms, such as memory loss, speech problems, confusion, and mood swings..

What can lead to Alzheimer’s disease?

There are certain things that may make people more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, as research to date has linked the disease to the following:

Your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases with age for most people, starting to climb after the age of 65..

Women get sick more than men.

Family history: People who have a parent or sibling with Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to develop it themselves.

Down syndrome. It’s not clear why this is, but people with the disorder often develop Alzheimer’s disease in their 30s and 40s..

Head injury Some studies have shown a link between Alzheimer’s disease and a major head injury.

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