Cervical cancer / how to treat Chinese medicine? 6 types of physical therapy, different teas + acupoints for daily maintenance|Health 2.0

Cervical cancer is a common uterine cancer. It is usually asymptomatic in the early stage. Early treatment will lead to a higher cure rate. In traditional Chinese medicine treatment, in addition to Western medicine, physical fitness and daily maintenance are also the key to prevention.

How does Chinese medicine treat cervical cancer?

In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, it is necessary to first identify the evil, positive and deficient of the patient’s constitution. The deficiency should be divided into the liver, spleen and kidney, and the evil should be divided into damp heat and blood stasis. . Common clinical classifications are as follows:

1.Liver Qi stagnation

Vaginal bleeding or a small amount of blood clots, accompanied by fullness of the chest and flank, abdominal distention or pain in the whole body, upset and irritable, dry mouth and bitterness, depression, leucorrhea, menstrual disorders.

Governing Law:Soothes the liver and regulates qi, detoxifies and disperses knots.

Commonly used prescriptions:Addition and subtraction of Chaihu Shugan Powder.

2.Blood stasis type

The complexion is gloomy, and the spirit is manic, the red leucorrhea is accompanied by a foul smell, and the pain in the pelvis is fixed to the waist and spine.

Governing Law:Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Commonly used prescriptions:Modification of Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction.

3.damp-heat stasis type

The discharge (discretion) is large, the color is yellow or yellow-red or the color of rice swill, the smell is fishy, ​​the urine is yellow and the stool is dry, the abdominal pain is falling, and the mouth is bitter and dry.

Governing Law:Clearing away heat and removing dampness, detoxifying and removing blood stasis.

Commonly used prescriptions:Huangbai Jiedu Decoction.

4.Phlegm-damp betting type

Leucorrhea with a large amount, phlegm-like shape, heavy body and tiredness, dizziness, heavy head like wrapping, chest tightness and abdominal distension, light and greasy mouth, mental fatigue.

Governing Law:Invigorating the spleen and removing dampness.

Commonly used prescriptions:Modified Erchen Decoction.

5.Liver and kidney yin deficiency

Vaginal bleeding, small amount, dark or bright red, back pain, dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, dry mouth, hot hands, feet and heart, restless sleep at night, irritability, thin shape, red cheeks, yellow urine and dry stool.

Governing Law:Nourishes liver and kidney, clears heat and detoxifies.

Commonly used prescriptions:Addition and subtraction of Erzhi Pill and Zhibai Dihuang Pill.

6.spleen and kidney yang deficiency

Occasionally, there is a small amount of vaginal bleeding, bruising, fatigue, soreness in the waist and cold knees, poor appetite, less abdominal bulging, leucorrhea, drowsiness in the limbs, fear of cold, and stools that are hard at first and then loose.

Governing Law:Warms the spleen and kidney, removes dampness and detoxifies.

Commonly used prescriptions:Addition and subtraction of Fuzi Lizhong Decoction and Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

daily maintenance prevention:1Tea to avoid palace cold

Uterine lesions in Western medicine are called “Gong Han” in Chinese medicine. For daily maintenance, you can make your own “Spleen and Warm Palace Tea” to nourish blood and strengthen the spleen, promote blood circulation, and eliminate cold.

Invigorating Spleen and Warming Palace Tea

[Materials]5 money for yam, 1.5 money for Cyperus officinalis, 3 money for motherwort, 5 money for ginger, and 3 money for longan.

【How to do】Add 500cc of water to boil, and it can be used as tea.

[Efficacy]Longan and Motherwort can help warm the blood, soothe the nerves and regulate Qi; ginger slices can warm the uterus.

Press “Gynecology 5hole” 3minute Effects like acupuncture

If you want to stay away from cervical cancer, you can usually massage the “5 gynecological points” on your thumb. These 5 acupoints are the extra-meridian acupoints of Dong’s special acupoints, which are located on the second phalanx of the thumb. Traditional Chinese medicine usually stimulates this acupuncture point with acupuncture to assist in the treatment of cervical cancer. At home, people can also follow the fingers to the back of the hand and use the thumb of the other hand to press down from top to bottom for more than 3 minutes. Effect.

Cervical cancer / how to treat Chinese medicine? 6 types of constitution therapy, different teas + acupoints for daily maintenance

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◎ Image source/Health 2.0 data photo.Courtesy of Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Source/Cai Yichang Chinese and Western PhysicianWang Leming Traditional Chinese Medicine PhysicianWu Mingzhu Traditional Chinese MedicinePeng Wenya Chinese Physician

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