Chen Shizhong chastised Jiang Wanan for “paying attention to morality”, and the Internet exploded with anger and asked a rhetorical bomb: laugh to death-Politics-Zhongshi News Network

Facebook users leave a message. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook)

The media person Zhou Yukou burst into tears on the program on the 27th, criticizing the Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan for describing her relationship with the DPP candidate Chen Shizhong as a “little couple”. People should also pay attention to their own eloquence!” This statement caused heated discussions, and a large number of netizens questioned, “When Zhang Shujuan was smeared by Zhou Yukou, why didn’t you call for eloquence?” Many people even called Chen’s remarks “It’s disgusting. “.

Chen Shizhong, a candidate for mayor of Taipei from the Democratic Progressive Party, went across the district to the Hengke Market in Xizhi, New Taipei City yesterday morning. In response to the recent controversy surrounding Zhou Yukou, he was asked if he was worried that the election campaign had been shifting the focus? Chen said, so I hope everyone will not shift the focus of the relevant issues in this way. Some candidates should also pay attention to their eloquence, because eloquence also represents their own morality.

As for what etiquette to pay attention to? Chen Shizhong said that it’s like alluding to “little couples”, these are things that have no morality.

Chen Shizhong’s remarks sparked heated discussions, with netizens pouring into “Zhongshi News Network”, “yahoo! News” and Facebook-related links to leave messages: “When Zhang Shujuan was smeared by Zhou Yukou, why didn’t you call for a good moral?” “Why Zhou Yukou scolds Don’t you say that when you’re someone else?” “What kind of virtue is it to climb up the partition and watch someone go to the toilet?” “Say the words ‘pay attention to your mouth’ from this mouth, laugh to death!” “What a disgusting adult “, “It’s disgusting!” “That’s bad enough to say.”

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