[Children grow taller]Underweight children do not like meat and it is difficult to increase their height. Doctor recommends 5 high protein foods- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPick – Parent-Child-Child Health

In addition to meat recommended by doctors, 5 high-protein foods can help children grow and increase.

For the children to grow up fast! A Taiwanese doctor pointed out that many parents let their children eat calcium tablets and calcium powder, mistakenly thinking that absorbing more calcium will help their children increase their height. The secret of children’s growth actually depends on protein. When parents find out the importance of protein, they start with their children’s eating habits, hoping to let their children add more protein, but the children are underweight and do not like meat, so parents don’t know how to start, the doctor recommends that in addition to meat, 5 categories are rich in meat protein food.

Taiwanese pediatric endocrinologist Chen Yichengfacebook page“Children’s Endocrinologist Dr. Chen Yicheng’s Legoland”, shared the article on “Tips for Growth”, Dr. Chen[Preamble]Explained the importance of protein to growth. I believe that many parents hope that their children will add more protein.

However, many parents immediately encountered a problem, “what if children don’t like meat?”, especially some children who don’t like food and are underweight, often spit out after a few bites of meat. Dr. Chen Yicheng introduced 5 kinds of high-protein foods other than meat, so that parents can make some changes when preparing their children’s meals.

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1. Dairy products

The daily calcium intake for children aged 6 to 12 is 800 to 1000 mg, which is the equivalent of two servings of fresh milk. If you can get enough fresh milk and a balanced diet every day, you can easily get the protein and calcium you need for daily growth. In addition, many parents will also ask whether they can drink soy milk. In fact, the protein content of soy milk is higher than that of milk, so it is also a good choice to drink it alternately with dairy products.

2. Eggs

Eggs are also a good source of protein, and in addition to being high in content, they also contain all the essential amino acids. Some parents worry about cholesterol, but in fact, the current research is that dietary cholesterol has no significant effect on the blood cholesterol concentration of healthy people. And cholesterol, one of the raw materials for making sex hormones, is also important for the growth spurt of puberty.

3. Fish

The protein content of fish is similar to that of meat, but the meat is much softer, and some children accept it better. In addition, fish is rich in unsaturated fat omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, which are also helpful for children’s brain development. It is really a high-quality protein source.

As for some parents who are worried that deep-sea fish have excessive heavy metals, they can reduce the risk by selecting a variety of different fish in a balanced way.

4. Tofu

Many soy foods are high in protein, such as traditional tofu, soft tofu, dried bean curd, and dried black bean curd. Moreover, these tofu, dried bean curd and other ingredients can be cooked alone or with other ingredients, which are usually well accepted by children. However, like fried tofu, 100-page tofu, or oily tofu, processed foods that are high in oil and sugar are less recommended.

5. Nuts

The protein content of nuts is also similar to that of meat, and even peanuts and sunflower seeds are slightly higher than meat, and there is no nutrient loss after meat is cooked, so it is suitable for meals and snacks in between meals. But there is one thing that needs special attention. The swallowing function of preschool children is not complete, and it is easier to choke into the trachea, so it is not recommended to try nuts before the age of 3 to 5.

I don’t know if my parents have discovered that foods such as dairy products, eggs, dried tofu, tofu, and nuts are also good sources of calcium. Therefore, as long as the child can supplement enough protein every day, it can almost meet the daily calcium requirement.

The article received “Pediatric Endocrinology Physician Eddie Chan’s Legoland“authorized reporting.

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Responsible editor: Yan Ziyan

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