China Galaxy gives Shengyuan environmental protection recommendation rating for the first time: continuous improvement of waste incineration power generation capacity to open up new energy business space for growth – yqqlm

Every time we receive an AI alert,China GalaxyPosted on April 20thResearch reportsay, firstShengyuan Environmental Protection(300867.SZ, latest price: 23.1 yuan) Recommended rating.The main reasons for the rating include: 1) The rapid increase in the capacity of incineration power generation to ensure the futureperformanceSteady growth; 2) The capacity utilization rate of the sewage treatment business may increase, and the profitability will remain stable; 3) The new energy business in the province will be developed together with the Three Gorges, which is expected to start the second growth curve. Risk warning: The risk of the waste incineration power generation project being less than expected; the risk of subsidy declaration being less than expected; the risk of offshore wind power project development being less than expected; the risk of policy changes; the risk of intensified industry competition.

AI comments:Shengyuan Environmental Protection1 in the past monthbrokerageThe research report pays attention and buys 1.

(Article source: Daily Economic News)

Article source: Daily Economic News

Responsible editor: 3

Original title: China Galaxy is the first to recommend the rating to Shengyuan Environmental Protection: the capacity of waste incineration power generation continues to increase, and the new energy business opens up room for growth

Solemnly declare: Oriental releases this information for the purpose of disseminating more information and has nothing to do with the position of this site.


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