China Grain Hunan Iida Chang Said ⑦丨Using the effective field chief system to protect the people’s “rice bowl field”_Economy.People’s Livelihood_Hunan Channel

Editor’s note:Food is safe for the world, and the earth is the foundation. In order to drive the whole society to jointly serve the “Chinese rice bowl” and maintain the “granary of a great country”, Hunan has fully implemented the field chief system. Red Net Moment News launched the column “China Grain Hunan Iida Chang’s Talk”, which describes the effectiveness of the measures to comprehensively implement the field chief system and strengthen the protection of cultivated land in all parts of the province.

Red Net Moment News reporter He Qing correspondent Zou Liqing Tu Yushan reported

“Tian Chang is Tian’s nanny, and we are the front-line guardians of cultivated land.” In order to be a good farm nanny, Tian Chang Longrui, secretary of the Party branch of Longwangmiao Village, Chunhua Town, Changsha County, goes to the fields every day to take a look and walk around .

In March this year, Changsha County strictly implemented the responsibility for the protection of cultivated land, and took the lead in establishing a “3+1” level field chief system in Hunan Province, that is, county, town (street), village (community), group (grid) level fields Long-term system, territorial management, hierarchical responsibility, comprehensive coverage, and responsibility-to-person grid management of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, further compacting the responsibility for the protection of cultivated land, firmly maintaining the red line of cultivated land, and ensuring food security. After being recommended by the town chief Tian Chang, Long Rui officially had the status of Tian Chang.

“We have clear system requirements for how to be a field chief.” Since receiving the notice from the province and city to implement the field chief system, Changsha County has acted and deployed quickly, established a system to promote norms, and issued the “Changsha County Comprehensively Implements the Farmland Protection Field Chief System” “Implementation Plan”, established a “3+1” field chief system led by the county-level field chief system working committee, supported by 19 town-level field chiefs, 206 village-level field chiefs, and 5,032 grid field chiefs , clarified the work objectives and the protection responsibilities and work requirements of “field chiefs” at all levels, established a multi-department and multi-unit collaborative effort and joint supervision and shared responsibility mechanism, and made every effort to ensure that “good fields” belong to “grain fields” and keep “rice bowls” field”. Since April, the county and town (street) “field chief system” work conferences have been held one after another, and the field chief system has been fully rolled out.

There are nearly 5,000 mu of farmland in Longwangmiao Village. As a grass-roots farmer, Long Rui needs to go deep into the fields to strengthen daily supervision and inspections, supervise and coordinate the handling of problems in the protection of cultivated land, strengthen the publicity of cultivated land protection policies, and discover in a timely manner , Stop and report the illegal occupation of cultivated land, destruction of cultivated land and other “non-agricultural” and “non-food” behaviors within the jurisdiction.

In order to ensure the long-term operation of the field chief system working mechanism, Changsha County has successively issued the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Restoration of Cultivated Land in 2022”, “Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of the Field Chief System for the Protection of Cultivated Land”, and “Prominent Cultivated Land Protection in Changsha County”. Documents such as the Notice of the Work Plan for the Special Rectification Action, the Work Reminder Letter of the Office of the Changsha County Field Chief System Committee, and the Notice on Earnestly Studying the Measures for the Investigation and Transfer of Cultivated Land Protection Responsibilities in Hunan Province. “Main Tasks”, “Tian Chang’s Order System”, “Tian Chang System Scheduling Meeting System”, “Tian Chang System Leadership Contact Point System” and other supporting systems, institutionalize, standardize and systematize the field chief system work, and further clarify and accurately define the goals. Task.

Using the field chief system as a platform, Changsha County has further assisted the work related to the protection of cultivated land and restoration of cultivated land. Under the intensive dispatch of the county field chief’s office, the county has set off an upsurge in rectification and restoration of farming: according to the model of “rewarding investment instead of investment”, the county will The financial investment is about 113 million yuan for the restoration of cultivated land; 38 county-to-town 2022 arable land protection bottom-line target responsibility letters are signed, and the town (street) to village (community) 2022 arable land protection bottom-line target and arable land restoration target responsibility letter , clarify the tasks of farmland restoration at all levels; report the progress of farmland restoration in real time every week. Up to now, the county has completed the restoration of about 11,033 mu of cultivated land, making up for the net reduction of cultivated land in 2021.

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Source: Red Net

Author: He Qing, Zou Liqing, Tu Yushan

Editor: Chen Xingxiao

This article isHunan ChannelFor original articles, please attach a link to the original source and this statement for reprinting.

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