Cinda Securities gives Midea Group a buy rating and plans to acquire Kelu Electronics to deploy power generation side energy storage B-side business.

Every time the AI ​​​​express, CindasecuritiesPosted on May 25thResearch reportsay, giveMidea Group(000333.SZ, latest price: 53.4 yuan) Buy rating. The reasons for the rating mainly include: 1)Kelu ElectronicsIt is an international comprehensive energy service provider whose business mainly coverssmart gridenergy storagenew energyVehicle charging and operation and comprehensive energy services; 2) Complementing the grid side, industrial and commercial layout, Mideaenergy storageThe business has fallen again; 5) The transformation of the B-side business has accelerated. Risk warning: The epidemic affects consumer demand for household appliances, rising raw material costs, shortage of chips, high shipping costs, less than expected overseas independent brand development, sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, less than expected B-side business development,new energyVehicle/PV policy subsidy decline, etc.

AI comments:Midea Group21 copies in the past monthbrokerageThe research report paid attention to 16 companies and increased their holdings in 2 companies. The average target price was 69.1 yuan, which was 15.7 yuan higher than the latest price of 53.4 yuan, and the average target price increased by 29.39%.

Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Do so at your own risk.

(Article source: Daily Economic News)

Article source: Daily Economic News

Responsible editor: 436

Original title: Cinda Securities gives Midea Group a buy rating, and plans to acquire Kelu Electronics to deploy energy storage on the power generation side. The trend of B-side business development is evident

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