City leaders about the paralyzed Vilnius: waiting for the end of the snow, unclean sidewalks need to be reported

Thursday is difficult throughout Lithuania.

You can find all the information about the situation here: An extremely dangerous storm is passing through the country: roads are flooded, accidents are piling up, and snowstorms are starting.

“We have to wait until the snow is over”

“Well, now I look out the window on Konstitucijos Avenue and see that a Grinda grader with a spreader is driving, parked in the same traffic. All traffic,” at noon on Thursday 15min said the mayor of the capital.

According to him, road workers from the Grinda company work intensively: “Our road workers do not even work from morning, but from evening. There were also preliminary sprinklers, preparations were made, everyone was warned that the traffic conditions would be difficult.

The situation on the roads is tense. Perhaps most of all, public transport is out of schedule. But from the work side, it’s true that the road workers are doing what they can. “Grinda” does what it can, despite the fact that the snowfall is intense, but it is cleaned, sprinkled, at least it tries to ensure quality.

And the cleaning of the footpaths and all public spaces is going on, but suddenly it is not possible to clean, because after a few minutes the same situation happens again. Here we have to wait until the snowfall ends.”

VIDEO: Morning blizzard in Vilnius

V. Benkunskas says that, unfortunately, we will just have to wait until the weather conditions improve. In the afternoon, the weather should start to change, but there may be other challenges – sleet, sleet.

“We will remember what we had forgotten for half a year,” joked the mayor.

The consequences will be felt longer

Adomas Bužinskas, director of the municipality’s administration, says that the road workers who look after the streets of Vilnius are working at full capacity: “You have to understand that the city really works and clears that snow, but probably the people who dig their yards know very well – if they go digging snow during the snow , so by the time he digs one corner, the corner where he dug ten minutes ago is already covered in snow.

So, in order to prevent it from snowing again after clearing the snow, you probably need to build a roof over the city, then it would be the easiest.

It seems to me that the services did their job before the snow. The roads were sprinkled at night and in the morning to melt the snow. Naturally, when the blizzard started, the turners started working to push the snow away. Such snowfall is not everyday. Only until 7 o’clock in the morning today we used 600 tons of salt, which is a large amount by the standards of Vilnius.”

Skirmantas Lisauskas/BNS photo/Adomas Bužinskas

Skirmantas Lisauskas/BNS photo/Adomas Bužinskas

According to the director of administration, when it stops snowing, the streets are cleaned and this must be done throughout the city within 10 hours – first where the highest priority is.

The same is true with sidewalks, they also need to be cleaned from the end of snowfall within a certain period of time. However, according to A. Bužinskas, the private companies engaged in this had to work throughout the day, therefore, if somewhere the snow was not completely cleaned on Thursday morning or during the day, please inform the municipality about it.

“If residents see that some sections were not cleaned at all today, please inform the municipality. We ensure the quality of service provision through residents, so if the service provider does not provide that quality service, sanctions are provided for in the contract. The city does not pay for work not done”, said A. Bužinskas.

The director did not rule out that the citizens will feel some consequences for some time. For example, there may be waste that was not taken somewhere on time, because the transporters simply could not arrive, etc.

“But it’s definitely not the first time it snowed and the services will definitely deal with it,” said A. Bužinskas.

Buses and trolleybuses are late

JUDU (SĮ “Susiasiekimos paslugos”) warned public transport passengers on Thursday morning that inconveniences await them, as buses and trolleybuses are delayed even after 50 minutes.

“Due to bad weather conditions:

Traffic jams have occurred in the city – public transport is delayed by up to 50 minutes. Route 78 buses cannot pass Durpių st. – shortens the route on Kirtimų str.,” JUDU wrote.

VIDEO: Road workers explain: why aren’t the roads cleaned when it snows?

VIDEO: The Vilnius panorama is covered by a white wall of snow

“Grinda” warned on Wednesday night that Thursday is going to be difficult. So the work is promised to be done at night.

Greta Skaraitiene/BNS/Pūga in Vilnius

Greta Skaraitiene/BNS/Pūga in Vilnius

“Currently available information from forecasters indicates that the first clouds of heavier snow will reach the capital on Thursday around 4 a.m., and the blizzard will set in around 8-9 a.m. – just in time for morning traffic. How will we work?

About 1 hour in the morning, long before the snowfall, we will carry out preventive spraying throughout the city. Such preemptive spreading delays the formation of a layer of compacted snow or ice for a few hours – and given the forecast of strong winds and heavy snowfall, these few hours can have a significant impact on traffic safety.

After finishing the preventive spraying, already from 4.30 a.m. we will clean the snow that does not start and sprinkle the cleared surfaces. And we will continue until the snowfall ends,” wrote “Grinda” on Facebook on Wednesday, requesting non-essential travel to be abandoned.

VIDEO: Tips for driving during a blizzard: the editor of advises

VIDEO: Vilnius airport has been intensively cleaned since early morning

#City #leaders #paralyzed #Vilnius #waiting #snow #unclean #sidewalks #reported
2024-08-13 21:35:46



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